Category Archives: Eco Schools

Eco meeting

Well done to p6S and p3R for doing your bird watch.

  • Comittee sub-teams : Max would like to be in the school grounds group,Leah,Morgan and Mia would like to be in the our world group and Ben,Colbie-Kate,Boyd ,Martha and Monty would like to be in the litter team but the groups still need to be decided.
  • The ideas for a whole school  treat for our green flag award are: a PJ’s day,have extra play time,have wear something green day,a day to wear what we want to and be funny or a eco assembly/show. We might not do all these thing ‘s they are  just ideas.
  • we would also like classes to do there bird watching very soon.

Sustrans Scotland eNewsletter Issue 1

Please find attached Sustrans Scotland’s very first e-Newsletter! Each month we’ll fill you in on the latest news and updates from the exciting projects that our team has been working on.

In our first issue, find out more about the high visibility cycle counters that we are installing around the country, what we’re doing with schools, and read about the great things some of our volunteers have been doing, as well as other updates.

This is our first e-Newsletter, and we welcome any suggestions and comments you might have – feedback is a great way for us to know what you’d like to see more of, and what you’d like to see less of.

We have also recently set up a Sustrans Scotland Facebook page, which can be found at: is another way to see our work and find out what we’ve been doing around the country on a more regular basis.

Eco committee update 4.10.13

We had our first full meeting of this school year.

Well done to Boyd Ross (P2B), Martha Cromarty (P2M), Monty McNeil (P3T), Morgan Smith (P3R), Leah Walters (P4T), Mia Jappy (P4-5M), Bethan Ritchie (P5W), Max McNeil (P6S), Scott McAllan (P6M) and Colbie-Kate Ross (P7P).

This group will work with Miss McGlashan and Miss Marwick to help us continue our excellent Eco Schools work.

Eco mtg 12.6.13

1) Eco-Schools Action Plan review

Each team to look at their action plan

– What have we done to develop this target?

– What do we need to do next?

Teams to use post-it notes to add thoughts. (Yellow = What we have done.      Green = What we need to do) 

Litter Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

Energy Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

Biodiversity Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

2) Energy monitor check-up

– 2 team members to complete weekly check

3) Eco board

Look at e-lympic display. Can we move any medals?

4) News for classes

Continue to do litter picks. ZERO litter please.