Category Archives: P4


What have you enjoyed this week?
This week in P3T we have been makeing and painting tookan kamoon masks. On Thursday (world book day) we whached a webcase. later in this week we were writing our own storys.
What have you learnt this week
We have enjoyed this week… learning our fractions, time with Mrs Reap sums and learning about vertical lines.

In P4M we have been learning about electricity. We learned about how it gets to our house so fast and how it is so poweful it can kill you. In P.E we were playing Basketball and learning scottish dancing.We also did Handwriting and spelling. We also enjoyed art.


This week P3/4 have bben making power points with effects and pictures making them move about the screen.They also made maps of scotland putting the right names to the right scots area.In art they made sunsets by mixing colours to create a great effect WOW!!!!!!!

This week P4M have been baking cookies with sprinkles and have been doing fractions,division and time. They also had p.e, r.m.e and been doing study ladder.