Category Archives: P2

P2B have been very busy!

This week we had some golden time, some of us went to Miss McGlashan’s class to paint a big picture using  our fingers! It got a bit messy.

We have been spelling some tricky words this week, we even managed to get a few into our writing jotters.

We went to Netherbyres and explored further into the woods listening carefully for interesting sounds. We played a game with blindfolds. We had to listen carefully for people making different sounds. We heard birds tweeting in the trees and lots of raindrops!

In maths some of us have been adding and taking away numbers to 20. It was hard work. We have been learning to tell the time, we know that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour and 24 hours in a day.

Table 2 were our table of the week. They had some nice comfy cushions all week. Evie is our star pupil this week.

This week has been a good week, but we are feeling a bit tired from all our hard work.

P2B – Our Week.

Mack – This week we have been learning new things in maths.  Alistair – We have been learning how to count up to 20.

Isla Faith – We have been learning to add and take away numbers, it wasn’t too tricky!

Evie – We have been learning new spelling words. Keely-Jo -We read our words to a partner and played some games.

Holly – We wrote all about our trip to Netherbyres.

Boyd – At Netherbyres we were using our sense of smell, we made a trail in the woods with smelly things. 

Ethan – We have been learning about how our eyes work.

Alyssa – We did an experimant to see our pupil working.

 Sandy – in the dark our pupils get bigger to let the light in.

Isla Faith – At the end of the day we put the song ‘The Final Countdown’ on and tidy up. If we tidy before the end we can have a game!

We think P2 is brilliant! 🙂

Eyemouth Primary hosts 12 Finnish teachers

We were very pleased and proud to play host to 12 teachers visiting from Finland. Last Wednesday, 24th April, our international friends spent the afternoon in various classrooms finding out about the ‘Feuerstein’ work we do in school.

Our Pupil Council did a wonderful job of welcoming the group and showing them around our school. Our visitors wanted to find out how we are using Instrumental Enrichment (Feuerstein) with our pupils. They spent time in the Nursery, the Sunflower Room, in P1s Learning Together, in P2L and in P6H.

The visit was incredibly successful with our Finnish friends commenting on how impressed they were, not just with the Feuerstein work we are doing, but with the children, the staff and the general ethos of the school!

A huge thank you to all staff and children that made the afternoon such a success.


This week, p2l have enjoyed 3-D shapes in maths,and also making card for mothers day.

In action stations, they enjoyed making bookmarks in perfect printers and in wildlife wizards, they have enjoyed making animal houses.


This week,P2A have enjoyed action stations,especially wildlife wizards and Music Mayhem.And in class, spelling and maths is famous.

P2L and P2A


This week in P2L have been doing drama with Mrs Thacker, in drama we are doing a play called Stewty we will have a special visiter called Mr Bigbucks.
Mrs Lannagan took a blood pressure test, when she sat down the lines were normal and when she started to run the lines were zooming up and down.
Also the lollie pop lady came in and showed us how to cross the road.


This week we had a special visitors from the NHS

What P2L have been doing

In P2L we have been writing letters to Mr Dougan thanking him for letting us visit the sorting office. In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. Also we have been learning about Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives. We enjoyed reading the Gorilla Book.


This week P2A have been doing a lot in maths and writing. In maths they have been adding and subtracting. They also enjoyed doing their spelling words.


In p2l we have enjoyed Action stations. we made things, we even got the climbing frame in Gymnastics. We have been learning about Yei and pretending we were at Yei Primary School. We have also been designing our own stamp and doing a True or False Postman quiz. In Maths we were learning about shapes.