Congratulations to the winners of the Henry Collin Memorial Burns Compettition 2014.
First prize goes to Maisie Sanderson, second prize goes to Keir McNab and third Prize goes to Abbie Calder.
On Friday 28 th February Eyemouth Primary are holding a rag bag collection for all old textiles. You can bring as many bags as you like, you are can put in
clothing and shoes
bags and hats
belts and towels
curtains and bed linen.
Bags should be brought in to school no later the Friday 28th February
Well done to p6S and p3R for doing your bird watch.
We have recently been visited by the ‘Friends of Eyemouth Fort’, a local group promoting and raising awareness of the medieval fort that was once on Eyemouth Point. The pupils were told about what the old fortress was like and its significance to our town.
As part of this visit, the pupils were invited to complete artwork depicting life in the old fort. The submissions were judged and each winner has been presented with a £10 gift voucher to use with the next Book Club catalogue. Well done all.
Primary 1 pupils at Eyemouth Primary School were recently entertained by a group of S3 pupils from Eyemouth High School as part of Book Week Scotland celebrations. The group, members of the library reading group, were keen to share their enthusiasm for reading with younger pupils. Mrs Renstead, the librarian organised the visit in conjunction with primary teachers, Ms Horne and Mrs Delaney.
The stories – “Ringo the Flamingo” and “Owl Babies” captured the attention of the primary pupils with plenty keen to ask questions at the end. Millie, an S3 pupil said “It was nice to make a connection with the younger pupils who behaved so well.” Ebony added that for her the experience had been “absolutely amazing.” Thank to Scottish Border Council Library Service for supplying the story sacks.
Primary 1 pupils said:
“It was a lovely story, I liked it when Mummy came.” – Katie
“I liked the whole story” – AJ
“I liked Ringo Flamingo when he saved the egg.” – Evelina
“I enjoyed the girls reading the story.” – Samuel
“I enjoyed their visit and the storysacks” – Grace