Inaugural Active School Travel Champion Awards

Congratulations! Eyemouth Primary has won the Eyemouth area Active School Travel Award.

The awards are to be presented to the schools with the highest percentage of pupils actively travelling to school that year. At Primary level each high school cluster area will have their own shield to compete for; while at secondary level the 9 High Schools will compete for the Secondary School Active Travel Champion Award.

The schools have already gathered the information required as part of the National School Travel Hands Up Survey.  This takes place annually in September when every nursery, primary and secondary school pupil is surveyed on their travel mode to school and the results are collated for every authority in Scotland by Sustrans on behalf of the Scottish Government.

We would like to invite you (or a teacher/parent representative) and two Junior Road Safety Officers to attend the Inaugural Active School Travel Awards to allow us to present your award in person on Thursday 7 March.