Eco Meeting 2.11.12

Bio-diversity have been checking ‘The Pod’ and designing the new target wall.
We have also created a competition to get pupils to design our new Eco-garden. We also started arranging a new compost system for school.

Litter team have been designing new labels for the recycling bins next to Mrs Reaps office. We have researched buying new bins for the playground and have also made a class litter pick table.

Energy team have been drawing pictures/posters for class Eco heroes. We then visited classes to do an energy check and have decided to do weekly checks and announce winning class. We then started organising ‘Switch Off Fortnight’.

Information to share with classes

1) RAG BAG will be collected on Friday 29.11.12

2) Switch Off fortnight starts on Friday 19.11.12. Look out for posters and stickers.

3) Look out for new compost collecting bins.

4) There will be a Garden Design competition. How many people would like to enter?