Reading Schools

We are the first school in the Marr cluster to achieve Silver Reading School status. This means that we have a reading culture at Struthers where we all enjoy reading for pleasure. We take part in different reading activities and challenges, we take regular trips to our library and we talk about what we read regularly. The teachers get in on the action too with their own staff book club and a staff and parent lending library. Our Reading Ambassadors help to support other pupils and staff to create a love of reading. They also talk about all things book related at our assemblies.

We are now working towards our GOLD Reading School accreditation

Hello from our Reading Ambassadors and Mrs Grant.

The reading culture across our school has to be commended.  The children can often be found in the lunch hall with their books in their hands as they can’t wait to discover what happens next.  Our shared reading buddies, love to get together to work across stages, often producing their own works to share with their friends.  Our teachers have formed their own book club and share their favourites with each other regularly.

Our new literacy programme is fully embedded in Struthers Primary. Pupils read, and are read to, daily and this has led to significantly increased levels of motivation and engagement.  Most pupils across the school talk confidently about their enjoyment of reading for pleasure. Reading Ambassadors visit classes and share recommended books with pupils in person and with wider stakeholders on social media. They contribute to the audit of books in the school library and the purchase of new class novels. Pupils report to feel they have further developed leadership skills and confidence in speaking to larger groups at assembly. We hosted a successful ‘Struthers Big Bedtime Read’ where families attended school in the evening to read together in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. 100% of families reported this to be a successful event and requested similar events in the future.

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