
Numeracy and Mathematics at Struthers

At Struthers we strive to deliver stimulating maths lessons that inspire our learners to have a love for Numeracy and Mathematics. We also have high expectations of our learners and provide support and challenge to meet the needs of all.
Below is our policy which provides more detail about what learning and teaching within Numeracy and Mathematics looks like at Struthers.

Mental Maths

We use Big Maths and Number Talks to deliver mental maths. This happens on a daily basis and lasts around 20 minutes.

Big Maths
Pupils carry out tasks on their whiteboards under the four catergories: Counting, Learn Its, It’s Nothing New and Calculation.

Number Talks
Pupils are presented with a problem and are given time to find different methods to find the answer. Pupils then share their methods with their class to find the most efficient method whilst learning from each other.
These handy booklets let you know the Number Talks strategies the pupils are taught to solve for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.

Maths Mastery

We have been refreshing our teaching and learning approaches within Maths and are enjoying implementing some Maths Mastery approaches in our classrooms. We have a new Maths Mastery focus each term and have purchased resources to enhance our delivery of Numeracy and Mathematics. 

Maths Mastery Termly Focus
Term 1: Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract
Term 2: Bar Modelling
Term 3: Part-Part-Whole Models
Term 4: Multiple Representations using Show It, Draw It, Explain It, Prove It


Useful Documents:

making_sense_of_maths.docx (1)

Maths Mastery Guide  embedding_maths_mastery_2018-19.docx (

struthers_primary_numeracy_and_mathematics_policy.docx (


Times tables, division facts, addition and subtraction facts.

Comparing and ordering different numbers, including decimal numbers, and metric quantities involving length, mass, capacity and money.

Different sized number charts designed to help children identify and work with two-digit numbers.

P1-4 maths games on BBC Bitesize covering various areas of the maths curriculum.

P5-7 games on BBC Bitesize covering various areas of the maths curriculum.

Activities and games linked to different maths topics with a guide to what age each activity is best suited for.

A variety of interactive maths games.

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