South Ayrshire 1+2

Language Learning in South Ayrshire

May 5, 2016
by User deactivated

Annbank Primary School


Today we visited Annbank Primary School where the whole school are having fun with French:

  • In the early years, the nursery children are enjoying singing French songs and the Primary 1 classes have been doing super work around learning colours.
  • Many of the classes are making great use of their classroom commands and had fun trying to beat their classmates at a game of Jacques a dit…
  • Miss Gilligan read La chenille qui fait des trous (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) to the P3/2 and P3 classes. The children were thrilled with how many words they could recognise and how well they could use the pictures to help them make even more accurate translations.
  • Mrs Stone made use of the school’s new bi-lingual dictionaries and the P7 pupils had fun doing a ‘dictionary off’!!

April 19, 2016
by User deactivated

Straiton Primary


It was lovely to visit Straiton Primary this morning and see how excited P1-7 were when planning their French Breakfast or ‘Le Petit Déjeuner’ to show off their French skills to their family and friends (with a little bit of German thrown in too!) There were certainly lots of tummies rumbling after all the discussion of croissants, fruit salad, pain au chocolat and baguettes! J’ai faim! The children have most certainly taken charge and are planning to teach their visitors French greetings, numbers and the alphabet using games, songs and ICT. They were certainly ready for snack time after all their hard work!


Miss Boyes

April 18, 2016
by Mrs Stone

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter break!

We have been very busy in the Language Lab organising new resources, twilight sessions and Term 4 support arrangements,

We have also all been looking at the planners again, making some changes that we will share with schools in Term 4.

It has been busy term with so much achieved -it’s been fantastic to hear about all the hard work being carried out in the authority. The next term looks to be just as busy and productive!

Hope you all have a well deserved rest and come back ready for more language learning!

Bonnes vacances!

The 1+2 Team

April 18, 2016
by Sarah Boyd

Queen Margaret Cluster

It’s all going on in the QMA cluster, where pupils have been exploring both Mandarin and Gaelic!

Pupils at Queen Margaret Academy hosted a range of celebrations for Chinese New Year. The celebrations included workshops teaching pupils about Chinese culture, dance, calligraphy, Chinese cutting, knotting and traditional tea ceremony. Workshops were enjoyed by pupils from S1, S2 and P.7 pupils from St Patrick’s, St Ninian’s, St John’s, St Cuthbert’s and Sacred Heart joined in too.

St Ninian’s Primary have been learning some Gaelic in Nursery and P.1. They recently enjoyed a visit from Mrs McColl and P.1-3 from the Onthank Primary Gaelic Unit. The pupils learned some basic vocabulary and participated in games and songs! The cluster primaries look forward to welcoming Fèisean nan Gàidheal, who will be delivering Gaelic workshops through dance, stories and songs.

March 21, 2016
by User deactivated



Bonjour! Here at Dalmilling the Primary 2 class were learning about Henri Matisse and made their own versions of his famous snail collage! This was a great way to reinforce our French colour words! Fantastique P2! (Pictures to follow)

Mr Laird

March 18, 2016
by User deactivated

Kyle Cluster Working: Ayr Grammar and Forehill Primary


This year Ayr Grammar and Forehill Primary have a joint school improvement plan.  As a result we created joint working parties to develop a range of curricular areas.

The 1+2 cluster group have met regularly throughout the year and are making great progress within both schools. As a pilot school Grammar are continuing on their journey and have really benefitted from having our Development Officers Mr Laird and Miss Boyes visiting the school to help continue the good work started last year.  Forehill have started on their journey and are really motivated after picking up some great ideas from the DO’s too 🙂 We have also liased closely with the MFL staff at Kyle Academy to ensure a consistent approach across the cluster.

Both schools have had tasting sessions within the canteen to get children into the ‘International’ spirit.  This week we had French, Chinese and Spanish food to name just a few!

Forehill are currently in the middle of their ‘International’ three weeks.  A whole school IDL topic which focuses on a range of countries; particularly focusing on France! The children are attending workshops run by their teachers on a range of topics such as a tourist information station, French art station and many more.

The Grammar will have two French days on return from the Easter holidays where children will study France and Francophone countries, taste French cuisine, play Petanque (French Bowls) , create their own Eiffel tower structures during co-operative challenges and of course develop their language skills!

Both schools are really enjoying working through the SAC planners and we hope to have pictures from our International topic and French days to add soon 🙂

The 1+2 team in Kyle Cluster.

March 17, 2016
by Mrs Stone



Good afternoon all!

We had a lovely morning in Newton today.

The Nursery children had great fun singing with Camembear and we were teaching some of the classes phrases to use to describe the weather. We are so pleased that we can finally say ‘il fait beau’ and mean it!

All the pupils were so enthusiastic and it is clear that the staff are all working hard to develop a whole school approach to French.I have to say that the pronunciation and accents we heard were outstanding – keep it up!

Mrs Stone and Miss Gilligan





March 15, 2016
by User deactivated



Hi all.

It was all going on today at Maidens! The nursery children had super fun playing a French colours corner game and dancing with Igor the monkey! Well done nursery!

The P1-2 class loved learning about body parts and played a French version of a beetle drive, while the P3-5 class were learning to write colours in French during a fun writing game and the P6-7 class were learning all about hair styles! Well done to all and keep up the good work!


February 22, 2016
by User deactivated

1+2 in South Ayrshire


Welcome to our new 1+2 Modern Languages blog.  Within South Ayrshire there are nine  development officers seconded.  Our officers are;

Monday :  Fiona Normansell and Danielle Duffy – Belmont Academy and Marr College clusters.

Tuesday:  Lynsey Boyes and Gary Laird – Carrick Academy and Kyle Academy clusters.

Wednesday: Rachael Stone and Fiona Gilligan – Ayr Academy and Queen Margaret clusters.

Thursday: Lynsey Livingstone – Girvan Academy cluster.

Sarah Adams – Confucius Hub

Friday:  Melanie Travis – Prestwick Academy cluster.

The role of the development officer is to provide support to schools to help them on their 1+2 journey.  We also organise and provide CLPL opportunities for staff to help them develop their confidence and language skills.

We are based in Queen Margaret Academy and have created a languages hub with example displays and resources for teachers.

We hope to regularly contribute to this blog and showcase good practice across the authority in modern languages. If you have anything you would like to contribute to our site please do not hesitate to contact your development officer.



1+2 Team


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