I have attached a video showing you a word game that you can play at home.
I have attached a video showing you a word game that you can play at home.
Do you want to see more videos about our new school?
Watch my video for a tour of our classroom.
Mrs. Gilbert has filmed a tour of our new school building, so that all of you can see round it. Please click the link below to watch the video tour of our new school. https://glowscotland-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sa99dcampbell3_glow_sch_uk/EbsQdbIMq8BKiuR1orK-dRoBTqHdIgt7h8okd8_wut1jsg?e=m47Eoy
Hello, I am so proud of how well everyone is doing at home. You are all working so well!
Have you been practising counting to 100?
Watch this video to count with me.
It’s Friday!
Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are all feeling good this morning.
Good morning!
If you haven’t watched the videos I posted yesterday click on the links below to watch them.
I hope everyone is having fun working through this week’s activities.
Remember you can leave a comment/question under this post.