Sports Day

P1 had an absolutely brilliant sports day today!
we spent our morning doing Sticky Kids in the memorial hall then went outside in the afternoon  for potted sports and races. We even got to see the Red Arrows!

4 thoughts on “Sports Day

  1. Thank you for sharing these photos! It is great to see them all enjoying themselves. Cammy had a great day today doing the sports. Special treat to see The Ted Arrows too.

  2. As the end of P1 is rapidly approaching is there any way of having some of the photos you have uploaded so we can make a memory book? I just feel like I don’t have photos I can show Cammy as he gets older, or even show family and friends, all the things Cammy has been doing in at school.

    I’d be most grateful to get some and I totally appreciate that there are some photos that can’t be shared given safeguarding issues but those of our own children would be so appreciated and valued.

    1. Post author

      I will upload all of the photos I have on to this blog for you. I have also sent home a jotter that has lots and lots of pictures from this year in it. Hopefully that will be a nice keepsake for Cammy!


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