Homework week beginning 17.05.21

Literacy: This week we are focusing on sentence writing. I have been encouraging the children to use finger spaces between each word and to try and write all the sounds that are in the words they want to write.

I have included a topic tool for making sentences on Education City. Spin the wheel to read the sentences and use it as a prompt to make your own sentences. You can either write down some new sentences or just say them.

I have also included a ‘Think it’ on Education City where you have to think of an ending for different sentences.  Try to make the endings detailed and exciting!

Numeracy: We have been gathering data using tally marks. Once the data had been collected we learned how to record the data on a bar graph. At home create your own bar graph using the data you have collected from your family or friends. You can choose what data you want to collect and create your own title.

Twitter: Keep an eye on the school’s twitter page. I try to post photos as often as possible to let you see what is happening within the classroom.

I also just wanted to say how well all of the children are doing. They are so happy at school and I am very proud of how hard they are working and how well the play and learn together as a class.

Mrs Robertson

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