Homework week beginning 26.04.21

Homework tasks Week Beginning 26.04.21

Education City:

Please log in to Education City and complete the tasks set for our class. The  tasks this week will be focused on the sounds we are learning in class. You will find one activity for each sound.

There is also a link to a topic tool for cvc words and an activity sheet on Education city to help you  spell words correctly.


At school we have been learning all about days of the week, seasons and months of the year. We have been focusing on how to order these correctly and how to read and write the days of the week. At home you could create flash cards with your child that say the days of the week on them. You can play games where you have to sequence the cards or you could turn over one card at a time and say which day comes before and after that day.


We are still not allowed to send reading books home, however the children do get a new reading book each week. At home to encourage and develop your child’s reading skills please read aloud with your child, share stories with them. Even if they are not reading it’s hugely beneficial to let them hear you read.  Question them about the story and allow them to ask you questions about the text.


8 thoughts on “Homework week beginning 26.04.21”

  1. Hi I have logged onto education city but cannot find the set tasks. Could you please send the location of these in education city? Thank you.

  2. Hi,

    Is the Education City homework above for P1B also ? Ive looked at Education City and it still has the old homework tasks from Mrs Pickard in it?


    1. Hello,

      The tasks for this week would have became available on 26th April.

      Mrs Pickard’s tasks will still show on Education City.

      Mrs Doak

  3. Hi, the tasks are locked so you have to complete one before moving on to the next. The CVC spinning wheel (task 2) doesn’t seem to have an end so you can’t move on past that. Could you set them as individual tasks please?

    1. Hello,

      I sequenced the tasks on Education City, but will go in and unsequence them today.

      Mrs Doak

  4. Hi There,

    Can you please explain what we do with the CVC word wheel. Are we are supposed to be making words and then rhyming words with it Or just spinning the wheel and sounding it out even if its not a word. I have never seen this before so don’t know what to do with it .


    1. Hello,

      You can use the wheel to make up a three letter word and help your child read the word and discuss if they think it is a real or made up word.

      Mrs Doak

  5. OK, thanks. I was a bit unsure if we were doing it right as it was not letting us move onto the next activity for some reason.


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