
Although at Doonfoot Primary we prefer that children don’t complete homework during the weekend, the homework is explained on a Thursday for the benefit of those children who attend several extra-curricular clubs during the week and whose parents have requested weekend handout.


Click here to access all Term 1 Homework

a) Literacy:

Pupils are encouraged to complete an accuracy task, a meaning task and a creative task from the spelling menu. It is recommended that P6 pupils spend 15 minutes per night on spelling tasks.

b) Numeracy:

Pupils may be asked to complete a worksheet/jotter task, creative or games based task. It is recommended that P6 pupils spend 15 minutes on Numeracy/Maths tasks.

Pupils can access the following recommended sites to further develop their skills and speed:





c) Personal Choice Homework:

Pupils will be encouraged to complete a rainforest project in term 1. Pupils can be as creative as they like to meet the success criteria. Pupils can work in pairs but we will encourage all pupils to be involved in the presentation in order to assess their talking skills.

Extra challenge:  Why not spend some time learning something which is personal and enjoyable to you. Let Mrs Rodger know if you would like to share this with the class or host a masterclass. 🙂

Week Commencing Monday   October :

Choice of spelling activities from the Spelling Menu .

b) Numeracy

Division Sums:



c) Rainforest Project

Project due in on



 Week Commencing Monday 18th March:

Literacy: ‘k’ sound spellings – Week 2

  1. Choice of spelling activities from the Spelling Menu (Click below to access the PDF & the spellings).

Spelling Menu

This task should no more than 15 minutes. Research suggests that a little revision every day is best for learning new spellings.

2. Numeracy:

3. Personal Choice Homework:

Spend some time learning something which is personal to you & enjoyable 🙂



Week Commencing Monday 11th March:

Literacy: ‘k’ sound spellings

  1. Choice of spelling activities from the Spelling Menu (Click below to access the PDF & the spellings).

11.3.19 – k sound wk 1

Spelling Menu

This task should take around 20 mins, but research suggests that a little revision every day is best for learning new spellings, so you may split this up if you like 🙂

For example, do one short 5 minute task 4x per week.


2. Numeracy:

Percentages tasks:





3. Personal Choice Homework:

Spend some time learning something which is personal to you & enjoyable 🙂



 Week Commencing Monday 4th March:


  1. Choice of spelling activities from the Spelling Menu (Click on the words Spelling Menu to access the PDF)



2. Numeracy:


3. Personal Choice Homework:

Spend some time learning something which is personal to you & enjoyable 🙂


 Week Commencing Monday 25th February:


  1. Rehearse lines & song for open afternoon.
  2. ‘oi’ sound – Week 1 

30 minutes from a choice of:

a) Words x3; b)Spelling Choice; c) Practice orally with parent or guardian; d) Final practice before spellcheck.



1) Wb 25th Feb – Fractions


3. Personal Choice Homework (New)

Spend some time learning something which is personal to you & enjoyable 🙂

This may be practicing our song for the open afternoon, click link for lyrics below:

French Lyrics – How to say ‘Hello’, ‘Thank You’ and ‘Yes’ in French

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