Glow Community Rules

Glow Community Rules

Glow has rich potential as a place for Scotland’s children and young people to become confident digital citizens.

The following Glow Community Rules are aimed at supporting learners, teachers and parents to develop a good awareness of e-safety and to take full advantage of Glow and the internet in a positive, safe, and responsible way.


•Always keep your Glow password to yourself.
•Always sign out of Glow when you are no longer using it.

•Always treat others with respect.
•Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content that is inappropriate or likely to cause harm or offence to others.

•Always remember to be careful when communicating over the internet – other users may not be who they seem.
•Don’t share your personal details with other people.
•Never agree to meet someone in person who you have only met on the internet unless accompanied by a parent, carer or other known and trusted adult.
•Speak to an adult immediately if you see a message, image or anything else on the internet that concerns you.

•Always be mindful that once you put something online, that information may be beyond your control.
•Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content online that you would not wish other learners, teachers, or parents to see.
•Remember that anything you do can be traced back to you.
•If you misuse Glow, this can be reported to your school.

•Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content that you do not have permission to use.

As with all internet activity, please remember to follow the guidance about internet safety provided by your school. If you are a learner and have a question or need advice, speak to a teacher or other trusted adult.

Password Guidance – Passwords should be hard to guess to stop others being able to log into your account. However, this does not mean they should be hard to remember. Find out more about password guidance with some top tips on choosing a secure password.

Further information on how to stay safe online:

360˚ Safe – An interactive e-safety self-assessment tool tailored for use in Scottish schools, developed in partnership with the Scottish Government. This tool is also available in the Glow App Library.

UK Safer Internet Centre – A partnership of leading e-safety organisations, offering a range of e-safety resources and services aimed at children and young people, parents and carers, and teachers.

Professionals Online Safety Helpline (0844 381 4772) – Helpline delivered by the UK Safer Internet Centre offering expert e-safety advice for UK professionals who work with children and young people.

CEOP Safety Centre – National e-safety help and reporting centre for children and young people, parents and carers, and teachers. CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) is part of the National Crime Agency.

Think-U-Know – CEOP’s education hub, providing e-safety advice and resources for children and young people, parents and carers, and teachers.

RespectMe – Scotland’s national anti-bullying service provides a comprehensive range of resources for children and young people, parents and carers, and teachers – including specific advice on online bullying.

Staying Safe Online – Advice from Police Scotland to help children, parents, teachers and carers improve their knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe while they are online.


This page can be found in its entirety on Glow Connect by clicking here.

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