Our Rights Respecting School Committee are going for Silver Accreditation.  We are learning about our Rights and our responsibility to ensure each others rights are respected. Read on to find out what we are doing as part of our award.



Meet Our Committee

This is our committee. They are ambassadors for rights and are working to share their knowledge with parents, carers, school staff and their classmates.

Our committee members are: Jack, Grace, Daniel, Fraya, Piper, Duncan and Benjamin.


Right of the Week


“You have the right to relax and play “

-Article 31-

Further information can be find by clicking here.

Right of the Week


“You have the right to a name and this should be officially recognised by the government. You have the right to a nationality (belong to a country)”

Article 7-

“The pupils plan a few activities to do after lunch throughout the week. The activities are to do with the right of the week. This week the tasks are to make 3D name art, create a flag or research our names.” Angus, P5.

Rights Focus

“On Friday 1st March 2019 we had an assembly for Rights Respecting School. We’re making leaflets to take home and share our learning about rights. There’s a competition to decide on the best leaflet.” By Fraser, P4

“We have decided to start a Rights Champion Award for each week. The pupils will nominate someone who is respecting their own and other people’s rights.” Scout, P4.

“We have been given optional homework to share our learning with parents and carers. All pupils have been given a leaflet to make about how our rights are respected. As an extension we can research the article number for each right.” By RRSA Committee.

January Jigsaw Puzzles

“We started creating Jigsaw puzzles by choosing a right. Then we drew pictures, wrote about the right. We discussed our rights and responsibilities in school. They are on our Rights Display” By Calum, P7


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