Scottish Showcase

All the pupils thoroughly enjoyed performing at our Scottish Showcase to two packed audiences today. Each class shared their learning about Scottish language, songs and culture – from the dinosaur with the ‘jaggy’ back to the ‘yella’ owl! P5 and P6 also showcased dances they had learned for the ‘Day of Dance’ they recently attended in Troon.

Please leave a comment if you enjoyed the show.



Website Review

Our new website is under development. If you have any ideas or features that you would like to be considered for the new website please leave a comment.

Have a go at the maths challenges – we will aim to have a new one up most weeks. Post your answer through a comment and explain your working. 10 points for a correct answer!

Maths Challenge of the Week (1) – Scottish Culture Week

broonsandoorwulliePaw Broon has won the Postcode lottery! Hooray!

He spent two thirds of his winnings on a baronial Highland castle.

He spent two thirds of what he had left  on a luxury yacht so he could take the family on a tour of the Scottish Islands and sea lochs.

Then he spent two thirds of what he had left on funding a scientific expedition to locate the Loch Ness Monster.

He spent his final £20,000 on treating Maw Broon to a week at Skibo Castle.

How much did Paw Brown win on the lottery?


Road Safety Week

This week our JRSOs will be leading an assembly on Road Safety as part of Road safety week. They are asking adults to drive less and, if they do drive, to do everything they can to protect themselves and the people around them.

brakeThey will remind the pupils to:

  • sit in car seats and/or wear seat belts on every journey
  • keep quiet in the car so the driver can concentrate
  • be aware when walking on the pavements and crossing the road
  • walk, cycle or scooter to school to become strong and healthy and help the planet
  •  ask adults to drive slowly around the school and homes

Super Gritter Visit

gritterMr Stewart came into school with his super gritter to give the pupils the opportunity to discover how Ayrshire’s roads are kept free of snow and ice during winter weather. The pupils enjoyed the workshop and learning about the importance of delivering winter services within our local communities and they especially loved the opportunity to get up close with the gritters to see how they operate. More photos can be seen by clicking here. (Please note this is  an external link)