Tag Archives: Learn Its

Learn Its

Look out for these practice sheets in school bags. There are 10 which mix up the 72 Learn Its.
Look out for these practice sheets in school bags. There are 10 which mix up the 72 Learn Its.

A Learn It is a number fact that is learned so quickly it can be recalled as quickly as your own name! There are 72 Learn Its and once they are learned we can then use them and be reassured that in a different calculation ‘It’s Nothing New’. For example, if we know that 8 x 7 = 56, then 80 x 7 = 560 is ‘Nothing New’ just as 0.8 x 0.7 = 5.6 is ‘Nothing New’. This makes all numeracy so much easier as we cover new topics such as fractions and decimals.

By Primary 6 we practise all of the 72 Learn Its at speed. I have given the pupils a pack home with sheets to practise, just orally, not written. You are very welcome to help them with this.

We are having challenges in class with a weekly Friday guest versus P6 and Mrs Shanta. Last week it was Mr Hardy though discretion does not permit me to reveal scores… 🙂