Lochs and Rivers in the Classroom

We are privileged to have been chosen as one of 12 Ayrshire classrooms to take part in the ‘Lochs and Rivers in the Classroom’ project. This will run from now until the Easter holidays. Yesterday we welcomed Struan and Gordon from the Ayrshire Rivers Trust to find out what it entails. You can find out more about it here:  http://www.ayrshireriverstrust.org/blog/2017/01/17/lochs-and-rivers-in-the-classroom-project/

This is going to be a wonderful learning adventure for us all. We are busy preparing an assembly to let the school know about the project. We have been learning how to read thermometers accurately and to keep our hatchery water at  a constant optimum 8 degree Celsius. We do need loads of empty 500ml water bottles for this!

Our Brown Trout eggs will arrive just after the February weekend.  We will get about 100 and hope to rear them to the stage just as their yolk sac runs out. Watch this space!