Growth Mindset: Born to be…..?

We have been discussing  the Olympic Athlete, Usain Bolt and considering  whether he was born to run! We did this in our home teams and later had the opportunity to write our thoughts in a speech bubble.

Leah and Poppy both said: “I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a fast runner bacause we know he has to train for 90 minutes, 4 times a day and eats healthily.”

Jayden added: “I think he couldn’t be born to run because Growth Mindset is about working hard and sticking at it to get better.”

Sofiye commented: ” I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a fast runner. No one is the best unless they practise.”

Ailidh said: “I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a runner because he wouldn’t be able to run when he took his first steps. My opinion is no.”

Emma said: “I think Usain Bolt was born to be a runner! He has always been good at running.”

Millie explained: “I think Usain wasn’t born to be a runner because he has to train hard and eat a healthy diet. When he was very young he wouldn’t be able to run fast. He must have ‘Growth Mindset’ because he has tried hard and never given up to become the best at running.”

Morgan added: “I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a runner because anyone can be what they want to be in life. You can’t be forced to do something you don’t want to do. When you are just born you can’t get your running shoes on! Usain has to train for 90 minutes a day at least 4 times a week. He was not born to be a runner, he chose to be a runner!”

Mylo continued: ” I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a runner. He has to have a perfect diet and train for 90 minutes, 4 times a day. That must mean that all the training has made him a runner. My opinion is that you can’t be born to do anything.”

Charlotte explains: “I think Usain Bolt was not born to be a runner because even though he is a good runner, practice makes perfect. He must have tried so hard and look at him now – he’s the fastest man on earth. He has a great diet and eats a lot of healthy things. He trains for 90 minutes, 4 times a day so that’s the reason he is so fast when he runs. Nobody is born to do anything however as I said ‘practice makes perfect’.

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Unsinkable Ship

Today, more of us brought in our cabin models. A few of us have created models of the Titanic itself! Two of us made models to show the ‘Grand Staircase’ for the exclusive use of First Class Passengers. We  have had a tremendous time sharing our hard work with others. The cabin models provide a very useful insight into living standards on board the ship. Thank you to all the parents at home who have supported this project!

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Unsinkable Ship

We have been busy designing and making models of the Titanic as well as cabin interiors as a homework challenge. A tremendous amount of effort has gone into these and we’re sure you’ll agree that they help to provide a clearer insight into what the ship looked like both inside and out! More are still to be completed and we look forward to these adding to our great display. We have also been researching interesting facts about the  ship and adding these to our P4 Book of Amazing Titanic Facts.

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Health and Wellbeing


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This week we have been learning that positive things can happen from mistakes through our ‘Growth Mindset’ lessons.  We enjoyed listening to the story of ‘Mirette on the High Wire’ by Emily Arnold McCully which is about a young girl who fulfils her dream of walking on a tight rope after being inspired by the great Bellini! Even Bellini himself had fear of the wire. We were encouraged to identify how someone feels when he or she fails and suggest ways of encouraging someone to try.

Matthew said: “I say to Bellini – you used to walk the high wire and crossed the Niagra Falls on a one thousand-foot wire in ten minutes – so try again, never give up.”

Heather added: “I would say to Mirette to start on the high wire for a couple of seconds and even if you fall get back up.”

We thought of how having a ‘Growth Mindset’ applies to us personally.

Mylo said: “If I have a few mistakes in maths, I keep trying and have another go.”

Mitunand commented: “Growth Mindset is a good thing because you know you must keep trying and never give up.”

Harley explained: ” Growth Mindset is important because it means you always keep trying. Fixed Mindset means you don’t believe in yourself and give up easily.”

Alfie said: “We’ve been trying to develop our thinking skills in maths. I’ve been trying hard to solve some addition pyramids.”

Beth added: “I think it is important to keep trying and trying and never give up. Today in maths I definitely wanted to keep trying until I got the answers.”


Unsinkable Ship

Our amazing Titanic!
Our amazing Titanic!

Wednesday 25th January

We have now started our ‘Unsinkable Ship’ topic  and we are having an enjoyable time learning about the Titanic. We have been working very hard to recreate this amazing luxury liner in our classroom as you will see from our photos. Here are some interesting facts we now know or want to find out more about.

Lilli said: “The topic is really interesting because we’re getting to learn about a fascinating ship.”

Jayden added: “I’ve been interested in learning about the Titanic for about three years. Now I’m in P4 I want to find out why the Titanic hit the iceberg and what happened exactly.”

Emma commented: “I’ve learned that first class passengers had wonderful accommodation like private bathrooms.”

Morgan explained: “First Class passengers were very rich and posh. They were the people who were mostly saved from the disaster.”

Scott continued: “I have learned that First Class passengers had use of a swimming pool, a gymnasium and a library!”

Rubi said: “Titanic was an amazing 882 feet in length and 175 feet in height.”

Charlotte added: “The Tower Bridge in London is the same height as Titanic.”

Mitunand stated: “Travel by ships was potentially dangerous in those days and ship companies wanted to make the travel safer.”

Poppy said: “The Titanic had a crew of around 900 people.”

Dylan commented: “I like the topic because it’s fun and I like history.”

Leah explained: “It cost £872 for an exclusive First Class ticket which is estimated at £32,000 in today’s currency. It must have been very expensive.”

Millie said “I find the topic interesting because there’s so many facts to find out.”

Fiona explained:  “I found out that it took a long time to build the Titanic because it was so big.”

Ailidh commented: ” I found that there were 109 children on board.”

Kacy added: “I’m finding the Titanic topic fun and interesting.”

Making the hull
Making the hull
Painting the map
Painting the map
Adding cabins
Adding cabins

Researching the Titanic

Researching the Titanic


Welcome to our class blog


Welcome back after the Christmas holiday and Happy New Year to everyone.

This term our topic is ‘The Unsinkable Ship’. We will be finding out when, where and how the Titanic was built and learning about her maiden voyage. Pupils will have the opportunity to further develop research skills using reference books and web-sites, work cooperatively to create informative posters and make a large model of the ship for display in the class, highlighting her amazing features. Through the topic, pupils will develop skills in functional and imaginative writing. They will create personal fact-files as they explore this great disaster. As a home project they will get the chance to  design cabin interiors.

It’s that time of year again when we think about celebrating the works of our National Bard, Robert Burns. Our poem for The Scottish Poetry Competition is ‘A Dug, A Dug’ by Bill Keyes. The children have already started practising this and are working hard. Please encourage them to continue  learning a couple of verses a night. We look forward to the final!

In literacy this term we will be reading novels and continuing to read books from our Story Street programme. Please encourage your child to read a little every evening and chat about the story at home. We will continue using a phoneme approach for spelling. Each new phoneme is covered over a two week period during which time the pupils are given the opportunity to explore the use of a wide range of  strategies. Common and tricky words will also be provided. Listening and Talking skills will be developed through group discussion and pupils will be asked to prepare talks to share with others on their hobbies. We will also prepare talks about an aspect of the Titanic.

In maths and numeracy we will continue to focus on our multiplication tables, the 3’s, 6’s and 9’s and related division facts. We will develop our understanding of finding fractions of a quantity. Money will also be covered, where the pupils will work with coins and notes up to £50.00 and practise calculating change from £20.00. In measurement we will be developing the concept of area and learning to use standard units of measure. We will also cover time and explore the use of a compass to locate positions.

In our health and wellbeing programme we will focus on feeling included, safe and achieving.

This term we will explore the use of ‘Scratch Junior’ using the school’s I-pads to develop skills in programming. We will continue using the internet for research on topics and presentation using power -point. We will MS word to create documents and insert images.




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