Rubi said: “My favourite part of our visit to Culzean was collecting shells and smooth glass on the beach.”
Charlotte commented: “At Culzean, I learned all the different ways to predict the weather. My favourite thing about the lifeboat visit was learning that when the lifeboat capsizes it can get back up again. This is called self righting.”
Lilli explained: “I enjoyed learning about all the different rocks. My favourite rock was the black rock which came from a volcano many years ago.”
Millie added: ” At the beach we were given a card showing a list of things to find. I enjoyed looking for things like shells, crabs and sandstone.”
Beth said: ” My favourite part of the Culzean visit was the seashore hunt. Aimee and I found a crab which we named Crabbie! At Troon Lifeboats I enjoyed getting to go on board the small and the large lifeboats.”
Jayden commented: “Holmston is a small school with loads of opportunities to go on trips which we are all grateful for!”