
Number Visuals

To kick start each maths lesson we have been watching interesting  and inspiring YOUCUBE (a maths website) videos.  So far we have learned that when you learn new things the hippocampus (part of your brain) grows bigger.  If you stop using your brain the hippocampus can shrink!

London taxi drivers have to learn thousands of road and street names – they call it ‘The Knowledge’.  When they retire, their hippocampus shrinks because they don’t think about the roads or work anymore!  Mia

Today we learned to think visually about maths.  When we think about numbers as symbols we are crossing our brains and using different pathways.  This helps us to deepen our understanding and learning in maths!

We noticed that the prime numbers didn’t have any obvious patterns and they were mostly circular.

The prime numbers are round. Beth

We are looking forward to watching the rest of the videos in the series and trying out more interesting maths challenges!