This term Primary 4 are enjoying reading ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We have been working hard to research and present information about barn owls which we will use to create leaflets in ICT. We also created atmospheric poems about the darkness. It has been fun sketching barn owls which we hope to have on display very soon.
In maths we continue to develop skills in multiplication and division strategies. We will be exploring fractions and their use in the real world. We have been using Silva style directional compasses to help us plan and record routes around the playground. We are learning about clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation, particularly through right angles.
Our topic this term is a study of the local area where we are looking at how land is used in different areas of the town.
In science we are learning to classify animals through our study of vertebrates and invertebrates. We have looked at some well produced you-tube clips to gather information and are making posters to share.
Our “Big Splash” fortnight starts on Monday 22nd May. Highlights will include a visit to RNLI Lifeboats in Troon and Culzean Country Park for a shore life study.
We are currently working on fitness training through taking part in the ‘Fun and fit fifteen’ activity most days. We are also gearing up for sports day in June by practising athletics activities.
More updates to follow. Watch this space!!!