Ancient Egypt

Hope you all had a lovely long weekend.

We have continued to be very busy in primary 3 in particular learning about Ancient Egypt!  We have been learning about Tutankhamum, the Mummy’s Curse and we have been using our ICT skills to research some facts about the Egyptian Gods.

“I really enjoyed learning about what the different Gods did,” said  Olivia.

“I really liked writing the facts I learned on post it notes,” said Natalie.

“I learned that some Gods had the same father,”  said Toby

“I used the Google search engine to research the information I needed,”  said Aimee.

We have been learning all about Hieroglyphics – The Egyptian alphabet.  We wrote secret messages to share with others.

During art we have been designing Tutankhamun’s mask using line drawings and adding in lots of detail.

“I have enjoyed creating our own classroom pyramid mixing paint to develop tones and shades,” said Riley.

“I am looking forward to learning about how they made the blocks for the pyramids,” said Bailey.

We still have lots to learn about Ancient Egypt and we are all looking forward to learning more in the class.  I know that everyone has been working very hard on their own Egyptian project and I look forward to the completed projects being returned on the 10th March.  In class we will be making mummified cats and if possible please send in a full size Pringle container for your child to use in class.

This term and next we will be junk modelling and I would appreciate any clean recycling tubs, containers, cardboard boxes (not too big) that pupils could use in class as part of their model.  This junk modelling is part of our STEM project in P3.  More information on this will follow.