Category Archives: Uncategorized

Adventures in Maths

Primary One have been very busy with practical maths  and IDL topic work since we returned after the October break. We have been using our data handling skills to sort autumn leaves and our measuring skills to compare different objects. We have also been finding out about nocturnal and diurnal animals as part of our Night and Day topic.

Here you can see that we sorted the leaves into different trees. Ms Slider had collected the leaves on a River Ayr walk and we then used some information posters to try and identify them. We discovered that the leaves came from sycamore, maple, ash, beech, birch, horse chestnut trees and some holly bushes. We then found out about deciduous trees and evergreen trees.

In our Maths Measure topic, we found out why we can’t use footprints and handprints to measure objects accurately and why it is important to find a unit of measurement that is the same for everyone to use. We decided that we could use our cubes to help us measure different objects around the class.

European Day of Languages

Tuesday 26th of September is the European Day of Languages and Ms Slider had planned a surprise for the children at Holmston. When the children arrived in the playground in the morning, it was decorated with lots of words in many different languages. There was a quiz question asking how many different ways they could find the word “hello” written around the playground. Ms Slider knows what the answer is but wants to find out if anyone else can solve the puzzle! Do you recognise any of these languages? Ms Slider is going to carry out a survey in the school to find out how many different languages are spoken by the children at Holmston. Primary One have been practising their numbers up to 10 so these were also on the playground along with the matching French and German number names.


Lots of fun in Primary One

Hello again! It has been a very busy few weeks in Primary One as the children have settled into full days. They have become more confident in finding their way around the school and have enjoyed going for lunch with their P6 and P7 buddies. We have been gradually introducing new routines and resources to the children and helping them use these appropriately to enhance their learning.

At the moment, we have just finished a maths topic looking at patterns and have moved onto counting and recognising numbers up to 10. The children have had a lot of fun, creating their own patterns and the Pattern Challenge area remains a popular spot in the classroom. Last week we introduced the children to our Numbersense Noodles and they were involved a lot of problem solving discussion around using different amounts to make the same size.

Christmas came early the other week, when we had to create our design for our Cauliflower Cards Christmas fundraiser. Each child in the class designed a card which their families have the option of buying to raise funds for the school. These samples were put in the book bags today.

We have now finished our Class Charter which highlights  the Articles from UNCRC which we feel are most important for our classroom. We have chosen:

Article 15 – We have the right to choose our own friends.

Article 27 – We have the right to be safe and healthy.

Article 28 – We have a right to learn at school.

Article 29 – We have the right to be the best we can be.

Article 31 – We have a right to relax and play.

Article 3 – Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child.

I hope you enjoy looking through our latest selection of photos.