Category Archives: Topic

Welcome to our P1 blog!

Hello and welcome to the Primary One blog page where you will find lots of information about what we are learning in class. Here is an update on some of the topics we will be covering in Term 1.

Literacy: The children will be learning phonic sounds, using the Jolly Phonics and Active Literacy resources. Each child has been given a Sound Box to store the sounds in for practice at home. We will be learning about letter formation and listening to lots of stories in class. This week, we have been looking at the story of Elmer the Elephant. The children will be encouraged to “have a go” at writing their own stories, both at school and home.

Maths & Numeracy: There are quite a few topics to be covered this term. We will be looking at patterns involving shape and colour and designing our own sequences. We will be learning to count from zero to 10 and understanding the concept of numbers and amounts. We will be finding out about 2D shapes and identifying properties of these. We will end the term by looking at information handling, learning to collect in our own data and finding ways to display our results.

IDL:  We are going to be finding out about the Five Senses and carrying out some interesting experiments. We will be looking at the topic “All About Me” and discussing our likes/dislikes, feelings and making timelines for our family.

RME: We will be finding out about Christianity and looking at some well known Bible stories. We will also be talking about Harvest and attending the special Harvest Service at the Auld Kirk.

PE: We have now had an extra PE slot added to our timetable so we will need gym kit on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. As the children will be expected to get changed as independently as they can, it would be really useful if children could wear a polo shirt on those days, so they only have to change trousers or a skirt and their shoes. This is the system that we used last year and it worked really well for the pupils.

Please remember that book bags should come to school everyday with the Sound Box and homework diary inside. We use the book bags to send letters home to you and it’s a great way of making sure things don’t get lost. It would be really helpful if you could take the letters out of the book bag as then we can be sure that you’ve read them.

We operate an open door policy for chatting to parents about their children. I am more than happy to speak to parents about any concerns or worries at home time, rather than first thing in the morning, as I am aware of how important it is to get the children settled into class quickly in the morning. If something happens which may result in your child having an unsettled start in the morning, please send me a note or let the school office know and we will do our best to help  them.

This is our Pattern Challenge area for Maths which the children are really enjoying. It’s interesting to see all the designs they can create.