Adventures in Maths

Primary One have been very busy with practical maths  and IDL topic work since we returned after the October break. We have been using our data handling skills to sort autumn leaves and our measuring skills to compare different objects. We have also been finding out about nocturnal and diurnal animals as part of our Night and Day topic.

Here you can see that we sorted the leaves into different trees. Ms Slider had collected the leaves on a River Ayr walk and we then used some information posters to try and identify them. We discovered that the leaves came from sycamore, maple, ash, beech, birch, horse chestnut trees and some holly bushes. We then found out about deciduous trees and evergreen trees.

In our Maths Measure topic, we found out why we can’t use footprints and handprints to measure objects accurately and why it is important to find a unit of measurement that is the same for everyone to use. We decided that we could use our cubes to help us measure different objects around the class.

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