Category Archives: Primary 6/7 C

Term 2

We had another busy term in P6/7 in Term 2.

We continued our WW2 topic until November to coincide with Remembrance Day. A huge well done to Breagh and Tynam who represented the school by laying a wreath at the war memorial on the Remembrance Sunday service.

Due to isolation, we were unable to do a live zoom Remembrance Service, so we adapted and created a Remembrance Service video! This was tricky to organise due to so many children being at home isolating, but we made it work and the pupils make us incredibly proud as always! You can watch our Remembrance Service here:






In maths, we moved on to look at Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We used lots of real life situations, including shop sales and price increases/decreases to help us understand the importance of F.D.P in our daily lives! We used bar modelling to help us find fractions and percentages of a number and the pupils found this approach really beneficial when faced with these calculations.Fractions of amounts using the bar model - YouTube

In literacy,  we continued with Talk 4 Writing and focused on ‘Wishing Tales’, specifically looking at building characters successfully. We looked at how to incorporate a variety of descriptive techniques including: metaphor, simile, personification, pathetic fallacy, colour theory, show not tell, 5 senses, action, and streams of consciousness. All pupils were able to successfully improve from their cold piece to their hot piece!

In Health & Wellbeing, we have been looking at keeping ourselves safe and well through our choices in life. We looked at drugs and alcohol and the effects these can have on the body. We looked at addiction and how we can be more understanding rather than judgemental to people who struggle with this illness.

We topped the term off with lots of Christmas fun! The children loved their Christmas party and all of the fun Christmassy activities we did on the lead up to the big day! Check out our Christmas advent videos here:

Christmas workout:

Boris Christmas:

Home Alone:

Thank you Key Workers:

House Captain’s Bedtime Story:

Whole School Christmas highlights:


Term 1

What a busy term 1 we have had in Primary 6/7 C&J!

We kicked off the term with our cross-curricular topic – World War 2 – it was a hit!

We learned all about the timeline of events leading to the war, Allie & Axis countries, important leaders, The Blitz, evacuation, evacuees, gas masks, rations and general life as a child during war times.

Tynam & Breagh represented our school at the Remembrance Parade from the Carrick Centre to the war memorial at the Golf Course and did an amazing job.

Due to ongoing issues with COVID, our planned Zoom Remembrance Service had to be made into a video, we hope you enjoyed it – you can find it on the school facebook page.

We hosted a very successful MacMillan Coffee Morning raising £577 for MacMillan Cancer Support.

Please find attached our curricular flyer to see what else we were learning in Term 1.

Class Learning Leaflet T1