Welcome back to the 2nd part of Term 3 my wonderful bunch!

You have worked so hard so far this year, even more so these last few weeks during home learning. I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holiday and are ready to get back to it this week.

Please find attached the weekly tasks –

Week beginning 22.02.21

Live lesson & check in times –


9am – Maths with Miss Caldwell (Coordinates)

11am – Literacy with Miss Caldwell (Talk for Writing)

2pm – Support group with Mrs Briggs (individual pupils know who they are)



9am – Maths with Miss Caldwell (Coordinates)

11am – Literacy with Miss Caldwell (Talk for Writing)

1pm – RME with Miss Caldwell

2pm – Support group with Mrs Briggs (individual pupils know who they are)



9am – Maths with Miss Caldwell (Coordinates) : Squares & Triangles groups ONLY.

9:15am – Support with Ms Ryding : Circles group ONLY.

11am – Literacy with Miss Caldwell (Talk for Writing)

2pm – Support group with Mrs Briggs (individual pupils know who they are)



11am – Glockenspiel Music lesson with Mr Welsh (P7 Percussion teams page)

1pm – Literacy with Miss Caldwell (reading comprehension)



9am – Maths with Miss Caldwell (Bar Modelling): squares and triangles group ONLY.

9:15am – Support with Ms Ryding : Circles group ONLY

1pm – Live check in with Miss Caldwell


Have a lovely week! I am so looking forward to seeing your faces again.

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