Category Archives: P4-7

Country Dancing

On Tuesdays P4-7 have started to learn about country dancing and even learning them. We have learned two dances already and are wanting to learn more. We are learning 11 dances for the Day of Dance in December. We all have partners too and are looking forward to every session.


This week in Colmonell  Primary we have been learning Gaelic. A  language used a long time ago. Today we learned colours. Here is a list of the colours in English and Gaelic –

blue is gorm

black is dubh

yellow is buidhe

purple is purpaidh

white is geal

pink is pinc

grey is glas

green is uaine

brown is donn





Madain mhath.  Ciamar a tha sibh? (Good morning. How are you?)

Miss Cameron and I are learning how to talk about how we are feeling and the days of the week in Gaelic, today.

We’ll be helping you to learn these soon.

Mar sin leibh.