Category Archives: P4-7

Playing in the Snow

Today we came to school and it was snowing. We had snowball fights, sliding around and having fun in general. Today was a great day – Winter really did come. I think we’re all hoping for more wonderful days like these in Winter Wonderlands.



Community Garden Action Group

We are hoping to make the community garden look a bit more appealing, the children have ideas on how to do this. We would like any old clay/terracotta plant pots – it doesn’t matter if they are broken – and any size, roof slates ( with the nail holes still intact) some tyres, wooden pallets and the centres of electrical wiring and large stones, the bigger the better 🙂

Any items can be brought to the school and left in the back yard. Many thanks



In class we were talking about internet safety. Here’s ideas we came up with – poster,imovie,poem,comic strip and a rap. Don’t let anyone see where you live, NEVER LET ANYONE SEE YOUR BANK DETAILS ON YOUR CARD AND HACK YOU!,don’t talk to anyone you don’t know and always never put up your age,birthday,address or anyThing PERSONAL!


Removal  is a strategy for adding.  You can  do it yourself or  with  a   friend.  You  draw a  number  line   then  add   the   number  that  we  are told to do from the teacher.