Category Archives: P4-7

Blindfolded Afternoon Fundraiser

An amazing £90.50 was raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind. THANK YOU!

This afternoon we had a Blindfolded Afternoon fundraiser organised by the Guide Dogs Community Action Group.  We took part in a variety of activities blindfolded which challenged our minds and bodies. A difficulty blind or partially sighted people face is walking down the street and there being parked cars or street clutter, so we took part in an obstacle course where our partners guided us round all the clutter. Everyday tasks such as making food are challenging too. We used cups to serve out pasta into bowls using our touch sense to find the bowls. An activity we all enjoy is drawing. It becomes much more difficult when you can’t see where the paper is or the colour of pencil you want to use! Counting is part of everyday life too so we challenged ourself to count out cubes and build them up to make towers.


World Book Day 2019

For World Book Day this year we decided to come to school in our jammies and have a Big Booky Breakfast. Thank you to all our parent helpers and other adults who came and joined us for this. In the afternoon we took part in 4 different activities using our reading, writing and listening skills.

Nursery had great fun too! They shared some stories after breakfast and even when on a bear hunt!