Category Archives: EYC

National Waste Week

Nursery and P1-3 had an exciting visitor this morning. Aileen and Kathryn from South Ayrshire Council came in and taught us more about recycling for National Waste Week.  They told us lots of interesting things and asked us some tricky questions! Then we played a recycling game.  We had to throw the beanbag with printed rubbish items on them through the correct bin.


Chinese New Year

Today is the start of Chinese New Year.  This year it’s the year of the dog.  We made dog puppets after reading the story about the animals racing to get years named after them.

“We were making Chinese New Year dogs.” – Amber

“All the animals were having a race and the rat pushed the cat off the back” – Zara

“Chinese New Year!” – Thomas

“The cat fell in the river and it was all wet. He lost!” – Ryan

“It’s Chinese New Year!” – Stuart


Early Years Registration

Early Years registration takes place from Monday 19th February until Friday 23rd February.  If your child is eligible fo an early learning and childcare place, please call into the school office with your completed application form by Friday 23rd February. Forms will be given to you by a staff member in the nursery.

Bread Making

Mrs Templeton taught us how to make bread.  We put all the ingredients in, added the yeast and hot water and mixed it up to make a dough.  Then we kneaded it for 15 mins and put it in the oven.  It was delicious!