Category Archives: EYC

Some hard goodbyes!

There were 2 very difficult goodbyes said in the nursery today. Mrs Gibson finished up today on maternity leave. We will miss you lots and can’t wait to meet the little one. Mrs Fyfe has her final day at Colmonell next Friday. We’ll miss you lots too and know you’ll pop in for a visit one day.

Parents, thank you very much for your beautiful, thoughtful gifts for these wonderful ladies.

World Book Day 2019

For World Book Day this year we decided to come to school in our jammies and have a Big Booky Breakfast. Thank you to all our parent helpers and other adults who came and joined us for this. In the afternoon we took part in 4 different activities using our reading, writing and listening skills.

Nursery had great fun too! They shared some stories after breakfast and even when on a bear hunt!