All posts by Mrs Brown

Holocaust Memorial Day – Torn from Home

As today is Safer Internet Day, we are learning about how to safely post to our school blog. We want to tell you about Holocaust Memorial Day.

Last Monday were doing some activities like hot seating, in role as a Syrian refugee, imagining what it would be like to be torn from home. Before this, we listened to some stories about Syrian children and came up with questions we would ask them if we met them. We then used this for our hot seating task. We also talked about what we would take in a suitcase if we had to leave home. We did some activities on Children’s Rights too.

We listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs whose homes were destroyed and we did some drama about this.

By Primary 1/2

School show


Bah Humbug!

As our show “Bah Humbug” is creeping ever closer, may we ask that parents/carers go over the songs (posted here on our blog) and scripts with the children who have lines to learn please.

We are looking forward to showing you what we have been learning!


Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.


Children in Need

Today P1-2 participated in several activities with the theme of Children in Need in order to become aware of the importance of it and how it helps children around the UK. We hope to fundraise for this very worthy cause in the future.

More from Remembrance

As part of the community Remembrance Centenary Project,  we researched soldiers whose names are on the Colmonell War Memorial. We created what the soldier may look like in their uniform from their regiment and discussed how they may be feeling and what they may be thinking during WW1. We learned that  we are lucky to have the life we have now because these men, along with many others, fought for our country.

Super spellers!

Swot the word!
Bouncy blending!

The children in Primary 1, 2 and 3 worked on several fun activities today to practise spelling and reading skills. Our favourite was bouncy blending! We sound out each phoneme and then blend them together to read a word! We challenged each other with tricky ones.