Virtual Sports Day 5

Virtual Sports Day 5
Hope you are all having fun! Remember to record your activities on your Sports Bingo Sheet!

Today’s Virtual Sports Day Activities

🔴 Water Bottle – Hold a full bottle of water
straight out in front of you with either your right or left hand. Can you hold it for a minute? Switch
arms and see which one is stronger.
🟠 Marathon Challenge – Place your 2 cones, jumpers or Garden Objects 3-5 metres apart on a flat, non-slip surface. When you say go run back and forward between the points for 3 minutes. How many runs can you do in that time?
🟢Long Jump – Make a Start Line, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, facing forwards with your toes just behind the line. When you’re
ready, dip slightly at the knees and jump as far as you can raising your arms up above your head
to propel yourself forward as far as possible. Use your feet to measure how far you have travelled.
🔵 Under and Over Challenge – Balance a broom/stick between two objects at a height you can safely climb over and go under. In 30 seconds how many times can you go under and climb over the object. A full turn means you have gone under
and climbed back over.

⭐️ For Extra Bonus Points⭐️

🟣 Create your own Obstacle Course- Can you make an obstacle course in your house or garden? You must have 5 obstacles in your course.
How quickly can you complete your course?

Remember to post videos or pictures
Have fun!

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