Mr Rainbow Ring Dog Cat Ohio Time by Jonny Man Rainbows

It was not a stormy day and Mr Rainbow Ring Dog Cat flew to…. drum roll please…SCHOOL. Mr Rainbow Ring Dog Cat wanted to turn it into Ohio.  

Dun dun dun dun dun dun…  

Suddenly JJ No Papa wanted to STOP HIM!!!!!  

Mr Rainbow Ring Dog Cat ate his SUUUUUUUUPPEEERR mango and then punched JJ No Papa. Mr Rainbow Ring Dog Cat started his Ohio corruption. First it was Scotland and now Ohio. Suddenly everything had turned into Ohio. 

Chapter 1- The Big Mistake by S Firebell

Right in the middle of a dark, dark night, the most powerful creature in the universe was in his lair trying to add people to his kill list. But he felt hungry, so he went hunting for some bats and bugs, but his target was following him. But Glitch didn’t know that he was still alive and following him. So, he went back to his lair. Then he heard something then he knew that someone was following. Then his target Jerry jumped out and shot Glitch in the head. Jerry was safe or is he……..???  

Jimmy the Ghost Robbing Shops by TJ Fires

A long, long time ago it was a stormy day. Jimmy ghost was robbing shops in a haunted town. When he was about to shoot the owner, he heard cop sirens, then took the money, then ran. Running down a dark alleyway he saw a cop coming up the alleyway and when the cop got closer he shot him. Then the other officer came up the alleyway in the car. Then Jimmy the ghost stole the car and used it as a get away plan for robbing the other shop. Suddenly the cop was secretly following him but he’s a ghost. So the bullet when through Jimmy the ghost and hit someone else.  

Chapter 1- The Secret by Jhony Boy

Early one day the killer was spotted in a house. Then he came out after 2 minutes and he was mad. Like really mad! He came out screaming because he somehow got arrested. Then after 50 days somone bailed him out. On a nice, calm day he looked at the papers and it said it was his secret family that had come to pick him up and they took him to a cave. It was cold and a bit warm. Then the killer had a big secret. The secret was that his name was actually Mike and he is not an animal, he is a human.  

Monkey and Socks by J J Mac

It was a stormy day in Sockland. Sock Boy came back to the village with blueberry cake for the village. Monkey Fish is on Sockland and Monkey Fish meets Sock Boy. Monkey Fish and Sock Boy go to the sock vault where the golden socks are. There, Sock Boy makes a golden sock sword to cut some apples, bananas and oranges to make a fruit salad. Monkey Fish and Sock boy eat it up!  

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