The Cowboy Man and the Million Dollar Mansion by Weeeeee Bob Jimsin

While he lived on the island it was very hard to get push pops and Emerge and dino nuggets. He was rich like a spoilt kid. So, he got push pops and Emerge and dino nuggets every single day and he loved it. He lived in a million dollar mansion and he was always dead loud.

Once, he went to the casino and gambled 100,000 dollars at a time. After he was done he donated to a charity for cancer. He goes home and does the same thing over and over again.

The end.

The Mission by H

Pengueno was walking across the road when, CRASH, the floor collapsed right under Pengueno. Then later, he finds a dark cave and investigates the cave. But, he finds a dark secret. But, before he finds any more secrets, the cave closes in. Screams come from down the cave. He first uses a ghost detector he found in the north east tunnels. CRASH! BANG! The north east tunnels all collapsed.

A while later he woke up. He walked for hours. Later he finds what looks like a dead body. He finds another survivor. When they find weapons, they hunt down the killer.

*dark twists and turns*

They find the killer but the killer throws his knife at Pengueno but his friend sacrifices himself for him. Pengueno shoots the killer. He cries out saying NOOOOOO! The killer is dead. Finally, the killer is gone for good.

Jerry the Rat Escaped by Adam Riche

Suddenly, Jerry the Rat turned around and saw an 8-legged, tooth faced creature. The creature spots him in the blink of an eye. Jerry the Rat slowly walks back, staring at the monster so that they won’t get him until Jerry trips and falls on his back. The monster hears a crack and lunges himself at him. Jerry the Rat finds a piece of glass on the ground and picks it up. Just as the monster was close enough to touch him, he stabbed him in the eye. Jerry the Rat had a big scar on his stomach and his legs were untouched. The monster grabbed him and opens his mouth and throws him in.

Jerry the Rat woke up in a pink, slimy room. He heard a big growl and suddenly, Jerry the Rat got puked out, covered in sick. After that, the monster was so sick that they passed out. So, Jerry the Rat climbed up a ladder and when he tried to open the lid, it was locked.

So, Jerry the Rat jumped down and, with all his strength, he picked up the monster slowly. He climbed the two steps and threw the monster at the top of the lid and it broke. He climbed out and Jerry the Rat escaped. A while later, he went to the cheese shop and bought some cheese.

The Dark, Muddy Sewer by TJ Fires

Jimmy the Ghost was out walking. A while later he fell in a hole. Before Jimmy the Ghost robbed someone, he fell in a dark hole. He loudly shouted as he fell into the dark, deep hole. He excitedly pressed a button in a dark sewer. He slowly climbed down the ladder and then he quickly climbed up the ladder. Quietly, he walked down the sewer. Unfortunately, he fell down another hole.

After that, he walked down the sewer and then he got knocked out. Then he woke up and there was a man standing behind him so he quickly climbed up the ladder. Suddenly the ladder disappeared and he fell back down and got knocked out.

There’s No Escape by S. Firebell

Suddenly Glitch fell in a hole. Then he realised that he was in a sewer but there was no water, no anything. So he walked some more then he got knocked out. Then he woke up on a chair. He was strapped to it with some rope.

Next, the guy kicked him into a dark, dark hole. After that, he woke up in the middle of nowhere. He was not on the chair with the rope. Suddenly a bright light turned on. He was in a jail cell…

Jerry the Rat and the Olivia Rodrigo Tickets by Adam Riche

One stormy night he looks on his phone to buy Olivia Rodrigo’s world tour tickets until he realised that someone got the last one. So, he goes out of his house to steal some. He obviously brings his gun. He found a house and put his tall ears through the mailbox and listens.  

“OMG I can’t believe we got our Olivia Rodrigo tickets.”  

Jerry the rat knew this was the house. He took his ear out and kicked the door. When he looked, he realised that his foot went through the mailbox. He yanked on his foot and fell back and then jumped through the window and got in. He looked around and went in to the first bedroom and there it was- the ticket. He snatched them and ran off with them.  

The day of the concert he was super recognisable, but he gave the tickets. There she was, Olivia Rodrigo singing “Get Him Back” until he looked at the back up dancers and saw his arch enemy in a red dress looking at him with a grin on his face……. 

Jerry the Rat and the Cheese Shop by Adam Riche

Zzz, Jerry the rat woke up. He goes into the kitchen for some food. The cupboards were empty. All he found was a single nut. So, he went to the cheese shop. He brought a gun just in case he can’t pay. He got out of his house that he did not rob…. totally. He walks up and down to the cheese shop. But then he hears a ring. He checked his pocket, and someone was calling him. He picks up and says “Hello.” No one answers so he hangs up. Just then it started to rain. He slipped on air and fell face flat on a muddy puddle. He gets up and finally gets to the cheese shop. When he walks in, he sees his worst enemy WITH A KNIFE…SO Jerry the rat grabbed a block of cheese and ate some to make a cheese knife. Jerry the rat stabs his enemy with the cheese. The cops come and put his enemy in jail and Jerry the rat lived happily ever after Or DID HE………. 

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