Lots of learning on a walk

Hello Everyone

With all the work the children have been doing we thought it might be nice to get outdoors for a while, either on a walk or out in the back with a ball.

While out on a walk the children are learning about travelling safely from one place to another, if out with a ball its all about being safe while kicking, throwing and bouncing.

While walking and playing the children are taking in their surroundings and talking about what they are seeing and doing, using their good listening and turn taking skills to converse with you. Also maybe learning new language and new things as they talk about what they see and are going to do.

When outside the children can use their mathematical skills to talk about  numbers they see on car registration plates, house numbers and counting the cars which they could mark down on paper and tally up when they get home and see which colour/make of car won.

Have fun while outside and please let us know what interesting things you saw and maybe collected. We would also love to know how many cars you counted or bounce of the ball you did.


Jigsaw Challenge

Hi Boys and Girls!

I wonder if you would be able to complete the jigsaw challenge!

Here’s what you have to do:-

  1. Grab some paper, colouring pencils/pens and scissors.
  2. On your paper, draw a picture of something that makes you happy! This could be anything from eating ice cream…walking the dog…dancing…or spending time with your family.
  3. Make use of those colouring pens/pencils to add lots of beautiful colour to your picture
  4. When you are finished, use the scissors to cut your picture into 5-10 different jigsaw pieces! Remember to risk assess and stay safe with the scissors!
  5. At this point you could mark make numbers on the back of your pieces in case you loose any!
  6. Now that you’ve made your very own jigsaw,  it’s time to put your picture back together!

Have a look at what shapes you are creating when cutting, how many pieces you have, what way you have to turn the pieces. Do you have to turn it, flip it upside down? Does it go above that piece or below? Does it go at the top of the picture or the bottom? Lots to think about!

Have Fun!

Wow, that was a challenge! Remember you can make jigsaws with your family and swap with each other to do different puzzles. We can’t wait to see what you create!



Weather Stories

I hope you enjoy these stories all about different types of weather.
















What is the weather doing today?

Lets have a look at the weather boys and girls.  We have had lots of different kind of weather over these past few weeks.  Snow, rain, fog, ice and even some sunshine.  How about making a weather chart?  You could draw a picture of what the weather is doing.  You could make your own weather chart or with an adults help you could print one of from one of the following links.




Once you have completed your weather chart, you could ask mum or dad to share it on Seesaw.  I would love to see what you have recorded and of course your drawings of the different types of weather.



Have fun and I hope you enjoy these weather songs.

How about watching the weather report on the tv with mum and dad, and compare it to your weather chart.


Home learning and keeping in touch

Dear Parent/Carer

We hope you all managed to have a lovely Christmas at home together.

We understand that the year has begun under very challenging circumstances with the new lockdown restrictions in place to fight the spread of COVID-19, however we are hopeful that this will be short term.

We want to take this opportunity to reassure you that, although most of our children are at home with their families, we will continue to be here for you and will try to provide as much support as we can.

We wanted to share some of the ways we plan to keep in touch in the weeks ahead in order to ensure continuity in your child’s learning and to work together to support their progress:

  • Your child’s key worker or a member of the team will contact you once per week to check in and see how you are doing and if you need any support.
  • We will share the targets we have set for your child for this term across literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.
  • We will upload a range of experiences to Seesaw that you can engage in with your child to hopefully give you some ideas of how you can have fun together and this will also support them in achieving their goals. If you do not yet have access to Seesaw please get in touch and we will resend your child’s link.
  • We will update our blog regularly with a range of activities, ideas and general information – https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/re/wpsnursery/.

We know that the situation at present is not ideal, however we also know that it won’t be forever and there is hope for the future.

Please stay in touch and we will get through this together.

Kind regards

Williamsburgh ELCC Team


Hello everyone, can you believe it we have snow again. Lets use this time to try these activities again.


Have you got a your sledge ready? You can enjoy sledging around your garden with some help from mum and dad or you could go to your local park and enjoy sledging down some hills.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a sledge an old baking tin works a treat 🙂 let’s see what other things you can find that can be used in the snow.

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

You could go into your garden and build your own Olaf!

What do you need to build a snowman?

Snow Painting

Lets add some colour to the snow.

If you have some paint then add a little bit into either a plastic sports bottle with some water or a spray bottle and shake it until its all mixed.

If you don’t have some paint at home then add some food colouring to a bottle of water and create your masterpiece using that.

Take It Indoors

If you’re getting too cold out there then why not bring some snow indoors. Get a large bowl or a tray, fill it with snow and continue to enjoy exploring it…how long will it last inside before it melts? Why does that happen?

You can also use your paint or food colouring mixture inside, but brushes dipped in to the mixture may work better indoors (and be a bit less messy).

Please enjoy the snow, enjoy playing with your family and siblings and creating amazing things with it.

Please add photos of your experiences onto seesaw so we can see what fun you have gotten up to today.



Christmas festivities!

Christmas has well and truly arrived in our nursery! The boys and girls in the Ladybird room had lots of fun at our Christmas party! We played games, danced, enjoyed some party food and…

We had a special visitor! SANTA came by to leave some presents for everyone! WOW – thank you so very much, Santa!

Our kind neighbours, Porrelli Ice-Cream, have very kindly donated some yummy ice-cream for boys and girls to enjoy at the Christmas party – thank you so much to everyone at Porrelli for making our party super sweet!

We had an amazing day and fantastic Christmas party! Merry Christmas to everyone! 🙂

Changes to our Infrastructure

As you may be aware we have been undergoing infrastructure building works within our Early Learning and Childcare Class and I wanted to provide an update on this.

The weekend of the 19th December the contractors will be working on removing the internal partition which will provide us with access to the new extended part of the building.

This will mean that rather than having two separate playrooms, we will now be operating within one larger playroom. The contractors will then begin internal works within the old ladybird playroom.

This will impact on how families enter and exit our building.

Drop off in the morning –

  • Between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 9.15 a.m. there will be a member of management there to welcome you and your child.
  • We would ask that you continue to make use of queuing at both sides of the nursery gates at this time and adhere to 2 metre distancing. We would also remind all parents/carers that the use of face coverings is advised.
  • All children will enter via the door which was the entrance to the butterfly room and be escorted to their bubble by an adult.

Drop off and collection in the afternoon –

  • For children who are being dropped off or collected in the afternoon, can you please ring the bell to the butterfly room and a member of staff will bring your child to you. Again can we remind you to adhere to guidance in relation to social distancing and the use of face coverings.
  • We will renew external markers and signage outside the nursery grounds.

Care Inspectorate Guidance –

  • In accordance with guidance from Care Inspectorate we will now be operating within 3 bubbles within the nursery, all of which have free-flow access to an outdoor space.
  • Your child’s keyworker has not changed.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ from us all at Williamsburgh ELCC for your patience during this time.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Williamsburgh ELCC Team

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