Williamsburgh Parent Council


We are desperately looking for volunteers to join our Williamsburgh Parent Council.  At present, we have a core support of only a handful of parents, who currently have children in P7, P6, P4 and P1.  We appreciate that everyone has their own busy lives, we are not asking for a huge commitment – but looking for new ideas, energy, and suggestions from others.  We are always trying to improve facilities and experiences for all the children at the school and nursery.

Our monthly meetings (currently held online on the first Tuesday of each month) are a great way to engage with what’s going on in the school, with Head, Depute and Principal Teachers also attending.

Over the last 5 years, we have through various channels raised thousands of pounds for the following:

  • Repairing trim trail and other outdoor equipment over numerous years
  • Supplying exercise equipment in the playground
  • Purchasing PE equipment
  • Purchasing school ties for all P7’s leavers
  • Purchasing gym bags for all P1’s just starting out
  • Purchasing the new popular House System Display and tokens
  • Stationary

We also (pre Covid) ran the following events for the kids:

  • P1 – Pizza Treasure Hunt night
  • 3,4 & 5 – Halloween Discos
  • P6 – Chill night / film nights, make overs etc
  • P7 – Leavers do

As well as fundraising (pre Covid) as follows:

  • Christmas Carol concert / home baking stall
  • Spring & Summer Fayre
  • Collections in playground for dress down days
  • Art competitions with prizes for winners
  • Ladies’ night

We also champion the concerns we hear from parents and carers. Our concerns and objectives for this year include:

  • Playground resurfacing and improvement of facilities currently available
  • Suggestions for possible replacement of trim trail
  • Ideas to bring to the Councils attention re the waste ground at the rear of the school

Our fundraising hopes from now till the summer include:

  • Ladies’ night in Spring (more info to follow)
  • Summer Fayre (weather permitting) or raffle with prizes

We would love to have new members join our PTA and ensure that we can continue to the support the school and our children in the best way possible.  Sadly, if we cannot attract new members, it could result in there being no PTA, with our children missing out on future activities or benefitting from funding for new equipment as stated above, which would be a real shame.   

If you would like to join, have suggestions, or think you can help in any way, please contact us either via our Facebook page, or on the below email address.  We would love to hear from you.


 Thank you – Caroline & Valerie

What is our Williamsburgh ELC pedagogical approach?

Pedagogy, in short, is our approach to learning and teaching which is underpinned by theory and our own personal values and beliefs.

Over the past year we have been working together as a team to build our shared Williamsburgh ELC pedagogical approach. Below is a poster that we wanted to share with you that shares our aspirations for our children and families.

Please take time to have a read and feel free to share your thoughts on what we have developed.


Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Class – August 2021

As you will be aware since April 2020 Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Class has undergone significant building works.

Phase 1 – An extension was built on to our existing building, including new free flow entrance to outdoor area for children and new children’s toilets (April – December 2020)

Phase 2 – Existing play room renovated to create a dining space, cloakroom, office and new entrance (January – April 2021)

Phase 3 – Remaining play room renovated,  old toilets and cloakroom removed to create a cosy nook (June – August 2021)

Throughout the ongoing works the nursery has been painted, the electrics and lighting have been renewed and updated, creating a fresh, safe and welcoming environment for our children.

This has been a challenging journey and we would like to thank our children and families who have endured the numerous changes during this time.

I am sure you will agree it has all been worthwhile, click on the link below to see our beautiful new spaces!


Williamsburgh ELCC Closure

Hi everyone just a reminder of the following nursery closure dates:

Wednesday 11 August 2021 – Nursery closed for exceptional closure (due to building works – text previously sent out to all parents and carers)

Thursday 12 & Friday 13 August 2021 – Nursery closed for In Service Day.

Monday 16 August 2021 – Nursery reopens to welcome children and families.

New Telephone Number

Please note Williamsburgh ELCC will have a direct line as of Monday 28th June 2021.  Our new number will be –  0300 300 0207

Survey on behalf of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Survey on behalf of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If you have a child under 5 and want to tell us about life in the last year…then open Tick 60 in the link below.

Tick 60 is a quick survey to help us understand more about the experience and concerns of families and pre-school children who live in any of the areas in Greater Glasgow & Clyde health board. It only takes about ten minutes to complete.




Summer Period 2021

We are planning ahead to the summer period and beginning to look at potential bubbles.

We would really appreciate that if your child has an all year round placement if you could click on the link below and complete the attached form; sharing days and times you will use over the summer and any holidays you have planned this would be really helpful


Thank you in advance for your help 🙂

Williamsburgh ELCC Graduation Class of 2021

Williamsburgh ELCC Graduation – It is that time of year again when we prepare to say farewell to our wonderful pre-school children. Although we would love to have a celebration for all the family, unfortunately due to COVID-19 guidance, particularly in relation to gatherings, we are unable to do this.

We will however ensure the children have lots of fun and a fabulous send off. Graduation will take place on Wednesday 23rd June in the morning and afternoon, we will set up an opportunity for you to take some photographs outside (distancing in place)at drop off and collection times, and will of course upload lots of photographs and videos of the day on to Seesaw.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.

Bank Holiday & In Service Day

Hi Everyone, a little reminder that Monday 3rd May is a Public Holiday and Thursday 6th May is an In Service Day. The nursery will be closed to all children on both days.

We will be opened business as usual the Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 🙂

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