Our young musicians



Joshua and Benjamin’s band – Great singing boys, we all enjoyed your version of ‘ I’m still standing’. The boys are really enjoying our music area especially our microphones.



Megan and Hamish – Using our hand made piano (made by the children from boxes) to play us a tune.  Great imagination used to sing along to pretend music.









“Look at my name”


We are learning to write.

Nico is showing an interest in forming letters from his name, by exploring different mark making opportunities.



Have you noticed our changes ?

We have been very busy here at Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Class, using the children’s suggestions and ideas to make changes to our Learning Environment.  What do you think of our changes?  We would welcome any feedback /suggestions of how we can further develop our zones.  The staff and children have been working very hard to rezone our rooms and the outside area along with some of our parents. These changes will enhance the environment for our young learners.

Thank you to all who attended our Stay and Play Week, we hope you enjoyed seeing all that goes on and were able to participate in some of the experiences.


Williamsburgh Early Learning & Childcare Class

Stay & Play Feedback                        February 2019

Thank you to all the parents /carers who participated in our play session. We enjoyed having you.

16 feedback forms were completed.




Highly Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
How did you enjoy your ‘Stay & Play’ session with your child today? 14 2 0
How much did your child enjoy sharing their experiences with you? 14 2 0
Will your experience this week enable you to support your child with their learning? Yes




If yes, in what way?

Please tick all that apply.

 I feel more confident to support my child




 I know what they are  learning




 I can use some of the  ideas




Additional comments

·         Good time seeing my child play and paint.

·         I’m happy that my child is in Williamsburgh nursery because I see how much she grows and learns and  creates new friendships.

·         We enjoyed using the props and musical instruments to enhance the stories/songs. We will definitely do this at home.

·         My child loves coming to nursery. He loves all the teachers and all the variety of things to do.

·         My child loves coming to nursery. Staff are very welcoming and inclusive.

·         It was great to see my child interacting with his peers and getting to know some of the things from imaginative play that he has told me about.

·         My child was confident in explaining what each area of the room was for and how he used the items to learn.

·         Was good finding out about the play. Enjoyed using building blocks with my child.

·         Excellent resources and staff – had a lovely day.

·         Had a fab time.

·         My child and I always enjoy ‘stay & play’. I enjoy seeing what my child gets up to in nursery.

·         I know my child enjoys nursery especially when he plays with his friends and when he is outside.


Thank you to everyone for taking the time to offer feedback.

Early Learning & Childcare Team

Just a wee reminder – please could ensure that your child has a warm jacket, gloves, hat and wellies for Forest visits.  Much appreciated.



Celebrating Rabbie Burns

On Friday 25th January the boys and girls took part in our nursery Burns’ Day, where we celebrated the birthday of Rabbie Burns.  The children had the opportunity to wear something tartan, taste haggis, neeps, tatties and shortbread. They also had great fun playing toss the caber, Scottish corners and pass the haggis. We started off our party by singing some Scottish songs – “Three Wee Craws” and “You Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff a Bus”.  We learned about the story of Tam O’Shanter and Jack T accompanied Sandra in piping in the Haggis with his bagpipes from home.  The children were able to share what they liked and disliked about our special day.

JT “Look at my bagpipes”   BF “The best bit is the black bit”  AT “I don’t like the haggis, I like the potatoes”  IQ “I don’t like the smell”  JM “I really like the black bit”

Sharing the Learning – ‘Stay and Play’ sessions

This is an opportunity for you to spend some time with your child as they play in their Early Learning & Childcare Class and to observe how/what they are learning.

  8.45 – 9.45 am 12.30 – 1.30 pm
Monday 18 March Orange & Blue Orange & Blue
Tuesday 19 March Red Red
Wednesday 20 March Green Green
Thursday 21 March Purple Purple
Friday 22 March Yellow Yellow

Chatterbox and a huge ‘Thank You’

Please could we request that any chatterbox cards/worksheets be returned to the nursery to allow  your child  to pick another one and to allow  other children to complete their sheet. We hope that you are continuing to enjoy working with your child to complete each card and the activity printed on the back.  We would welcome your feedback – please let us know your thoughts.


The children and staff at Williamsburgh would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Sutherland (Ava’s dad) for all of his hard work and time he has spent enhancing our outside play area.   Thank you also to Mr Farrell (Rhyann’s dad) who has given his time to enhance areas for the children too. We appreciate all the help they have given and we know that the children are going to benefit greatly from all the new additions in their outdoor space. We would also like to convey our thanks to Mr Connie who gave his time so generously to support the children recently at Christmas.  We really appreciate that he is always willing to return to help us out.


Festive Family Fun Day and Christmas Party

On Wednesday the 19th of December, the children invited their parents and other members of their family to come along and join in with some festive fun.  The activity stations included making pomanders, gingerbread men decorating, mince pie making, creating baubles, preparing reindeer food and making Christmas cards. We were so busy joining in our festive activities!

On this day we were also very lucky to have a special visitor! He even told us that he parked his sleigh and reindeer on the roof of our nursery!

O “I’m going to put icing on my gingerbread”.

J “I’ve made reindeer food”.

D “I went to see Santa and got a present”.

On Friday we had yet another Christmas treat – our annual Christmas party! We played lots of games like Musical Bumps, Pass the Parcel and Christmas Corners. We also had a special Christmas snack with party food and lots and lots and LOTS of dancing afterwards! Everybody had so much fun!

J “This is the best party ever!”

L “I won this game!”

S “I like to have party food for snack.”

We also had our own very special version of Elf on the Shelf, well done Annemarie!


We would like to take this opportunity to wish Ania all the very best in her new job and also in her forthcoming marriage. A bright and rosy future for the new Mr and Mrs.

We would like to thank all of our parents and families for their continued support and for joining us on this special day.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.  See you in January.

Jo Hall – Storyteller

We would like to say a great big ‘Thank You’ to Jo Hall for bringing her friend JoJo Gnome to visit. We enjoyed hearing about Jojo’s experiences in Sound Town where he lives and also the fantastic poem about the Christmas Tree.  Jo kindly drew us some pictures of Jojo which have been put in both playrooms…See if you can find him!

G: “I liked Jojo”

A; “We need to shout to wake Jojo up”

J: “Catching bubbles”

Christmas festivities!

Well… On Monday morning we were all very surprised to find a certain somebody in the nursery waiting on us to find him! …It was the Elf –  Santa’s helper, WOW! We all thought hard about what to call him and we decided to name him ‘Chippy’.  We learned that every night he travels back to the North Pole to tell Santa how busy we have all been at nursery.  Every morning we have to search all over the nursery to find Chippy’s hiding place – he is very good at finding new places to hide. But… We need to remember that we cannot touch Chippy or he may lose his magic, oh no, we wouldn’t want that to happen!

As it’s now December already we are all very excited for the festivities and have started to decorate our playrooms with lots of shiny, sparkly tinsel, baubles and other Christmas decorations.  Some of the boys and girls have even been creating their own Christmas keepsakes!  We also decorated our Christmas tree. Come and see for yourself how festive we have made our nursery!





Williamsburgh Bakery

We can be anything we want to be, so today we decided to be bakers! We turned one of our playrooms into our own wee bakery, which we named the Williamsburgh Bakery! Our speciality was delicious loaves of bread. You could spot us in our chefs hats, as we always remember how important keeping our hair away and our hands clean when baking or cooking is. We also didn’t forget our chef aprons, but that’s because we didn’t want our lovely clothes to get all dirty and floury ;). We worked very hard together (great teamwork!) to measure out all of the ingredients and we used our muscles to mix and knead the dough! We worked very hard to make sure the dough is nice and smooth! When it was all ready, we very carefully put the dough in the oven and… Voila! 20 minutes later, we had very delicious and still toasty warm bread to take home! And it smelled really delicious too!

J: “Teamwork makes the dream work!”
R: “We’re making bread and we get to take it home.”
B: “Actually, we’re making dough.”
SB: “I’m like a real baker because I’m making it really good.”
J: “That’s the ingredients we need.”
N: “This is like making play dough.”
O: “I haven’t cooked bread before!”
S: “It smells like pizza!”


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