Welcome back to our busy Class!

Welcome back to all of the boys and girls who came back to our Class after the summer holidays and a big warm welcome to all of our new friends who have just started at nursery! We would also like to welcome all of our lovely parents and families, we hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer!

Well… Haven’t we been busy! Since our first day, we have been doing lots of baking, playing games, singing, painting, dancing, exercising.. Ah, we have been having so much fun!

One day we decided to go to the park to HIDE SOME BOOKS! Hide some books you might ask? We proudly took part in “Look for a book, Scotland” initiative – it all started on Facebook, where you can join the group. The whole idea is to get the children interested in reading! The boys and girls all over the UK are hiding their favourite books for other children to find, read and re-hide them! We went on a stroll to Barshaw Park and hid four story books chosen by us. When we were coming back to nursery, one of the books was already gone!

A few days after, we checked the group online and we found out that a little girl called Ellis found our book while on a walk with her mum! You can see how happy and excited she is on a picture below, kindly given to us by her mum, Emma. Ellis is now going to re-hide the book in Largs – we wonder how far it can travel!

We invite you to join the “Look for a book, Scotland” group on Facebook and take part in this great initiative!

P: “I want to hide mine at the swings!”
J: “Look, the book is gone!”
C: “It’s for the boys and girls to find and read.”
K: “You need to be careful with the books.”

Visit our Library!

We would like to invite all of the boys and girls with their parents and families to come and visit our new Library, which is situated upstairs.

The Library will be open every Wednesday at drop-off and pick-up time, both morning and afternoon sessions.

We invite you to come up with your child and choose a book to take home until the following week! Our Chatterbox Challenge is up and running, too – we would love it if you joined in! You are welcome to choose one (or more than one!) letter every week and have fun using the activities suggested on the back of each card.

We want to make sure that our new Library is relaxed and flexible – you don’t need to record what books you are taking home, we would just kindly ask you to write your name in our “I visited the Library today” diary, so we know you have visited us!

There will be a member of staff present in the Library to assist you with any inquiries and questions. If you can’t make it to the Library on Wednesday, please speak to your child’s
key worker to arrange another time.

We hope to see you in the Library very soon!


Junk Modelling

These boys have enjoyed using the space available to explore the junk modelling in the creative area.

They made shields and swords.  Kian made a model of himself.

Skills – Copying, trying things out, revisiting, making changes and reasoning …..are just a few!

Well done boys!


Experimenting with paint



On Friday Cahlie experimented with paint.  Along with Nicola, they investigated different colours.  Cahlie made lots of different colours including pink, purple, orange, green and a muddly puddle colour (brown).

Glasgow Kiltwalk 2019

On Sunday 29th April these three walkers completed a 23 miles walk from Glasgow to Balloch for charities. Sore feet all round but all worth it for the medal at the end.

Well done ladies a great achievement.

We are Scientists


This week in our Early Learning & Childcare Class, we have been involved in science experiments and exploring different ingredients.  One of these experiments was ‘Fluffy Slime’ The ingredients we needed were glue, bicarbonate of soda, water, food colouring, activator and shaving foam.


N “Look at this rainbow inside” (when the food colouring was added)

N”That’s turning into slime” (When the glue was added)

L said “Activator” when asked what is needed now


F”It feels yucky”





Our young musicians



Joshua and Benjamin’s band – Great singing boys, we all enjoyed your version of ‘ I’m still standing’. The boys are really enjoying our music area especially our microphones.



Megan and Hamish – Using our hand made piano (made by the children from boxes) to play us a tune.  Great imagination used to sing along to pretend music.









“Look at my name”


We are learning to write.

Nico is showing an interest in forming letters from his name, by exploring different mark making opportunities.



Have you noticed our changes ?

We have been very busy here at Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Class, using the children’s suggestions and ideas to make changes to our Learning Environment.  What do you think of our changes?  We would welcome any feedback /suggestions of how we can further develop our zones.  The staff and children have been working very hard to rezone our rooms and the outside area along with some of our parents. These changes will enhance the environment for our young learners.

Thank you to all who attended our Stay and Play Week, we hope you enjoyed seeing all that goes on and were able to participate in some of the experiences.


Williamsburgh Early Learning & Childcare Class

Stay & Play Feedback                        February 2019

Thank you to all the parents /carers who participated in our play session. We enjoyed having you.

16 feedback forms were completed.




Highly Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
How did you enjoy your ‘Stay & Play’ session with your child today? 14 2 0
How much did your child enjoy sharing their experiences with you? 14 2 0
Will your experience this week enable you to support your child with their learning? Yes




If yes, in what way?

Please tick all that apply.

 I feel more confident to support my child




 I know what they are  learning




 I can use some of the  ideas




Additional comments

·         Good time seeing my child play and paint.

·         I’m happy that my child is in Williamsburgh nursery because I see how much she grows and learns and  creates new friendships.

·         We enjoyed using the props and musical instruments to enhance the stories/songs. We will definitely do this at home.

·         My child loves coming to nursery. He loves all the teachers and all the variety of things to do.

·         My child loves coming to nursery. Staff are very welcoming and inclusive.

·         It was great to see my child interacting with his peers and getting to know some of the things from imaginative play that he has told me about.

·         My child was confident in explaining what each area of the room was for and how he used the items to learn.

·         Was good finding out about the play. Enjoyed using building blocks with my child.

·         Excellent resources and staff – had a lovely day.

·         Had a fab time.

·         My child and I always enjoy ‘stay & play’. I enjoy seeing what my child gets up to in nursery.

·         I know my child enjoys nursery especially when he plays with his friends and when he is outside.


Thank you to everyone for taking the time to offer feedback.

Early Learning & Childcare Team

Just a wee reminder – please could ensure that your child has a warm jacket, gloves, hat and wellies for Forest visits.  Much appreciated.



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