Number hunt – something to continue during Easter break

This is the last post as we stop for Easter break.

All the staff are missing the children  and families and are thinking of you all at this time. Please take care and remember boys and girls, to help around the home, just as you all do in our early learning class.


If you go out on your daily walk, why not enjoy a number hunt…

On the first day, how many 0’s can you find?  Then work your way up the number line. This is something that can be adapted to suit all age groups. You could record how many you see when you get home. What number had the highest count? What was the lowest?

Please re-visit our previous posts – visit favourites or try out some that you haven’t experienced yet.

Take photos and send them to our facebook page – all the staff love to see what you are doing.

Parent Club

Parent Club Scotland may give you some tips for learning at home and some  useful ideas to entertain your children, especially with the two week spring break approaching 🙂

Active Schools are pleased to announce the launch of new online sport specific
workshops that will be released over the coming weeks. In order to take part in any of
these workshops please
visit                and sign up now.

Singing hands

Here is something a bit different for you all to learn – Sign Share/Makaton. There are lots of clips available and a great tool for you and your child to learn and develop your skills.

We were beginning to learn this in ELCC before we stopped. Why not record your child/children/family and share with us on our Facebook page. This would be lovely for us all to share and celebrate achievements.  You have all the holidays to ‘give it a go’!

Please search Williamsburgh Primary School on Facebook.

Happy signing……………………..Have fun, we miss you all – the ELCC team.x

Wishing all our families a wonderful Wednesday – we are thinking of you all!

Lots of fun and games to engage your child today. Check out the link below. Children will enjoy repeating games and activities……it’s how they learn.


Pamper day

  • You can experiment as face scrubs and masks can be made from simple household ingredients or even just use a face/moisture cream. Take time together, pampering skins and perhaps painting toes and fingers.


  • For those of you who have a garden, weeding the garden can get the whole family involved and have the garden looking great.  Talk to the children about planting and how we can help our plants to survive. Sometimes the jobs that we as adults least like are the ones that the children love.

Obstacle course

  •  This could be either indoors or in the garden.  Use items around the home to set up a course. You might choose to use; ropes, buckets, pots, old sheets, spoons, balls, plastic plates and toys to name just a few. Ask your child what they want to use. Children will be very creative with their ideas. They could draw a plan of their course and count the objects as they set out and change their course. They may choose to keep a score with tally marks that they can count to find a winner.


  • Circuits could be an idea too as this helps the  adults during this time where we cannot access the gyms or other clubs.  Your phone could be used as a stopwatch or set an alarm for a set time.  Add in activities like sprinting up and down garden/stairs.
    • skipping ropes
    • burpees
    • push ups
    • sit ups
    • squats
    • squat kicks
    • star jumps
    • high knees
    • lunges                                                                                                                                                You could put all these ideas into a cup and each of you pull one or two out to make up your list of exercises. Again encourage your child to offer their ideas and plan what they want to happen.

Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!

Let’s start with a favourite this morning!


Have fun with numbers

  • Count objects around the home.
  • Choose a number, then count on.
  • Choose a number, then count back.
  • Adults can count and miss out a number – encourage your child to say the missing number.
  • Write numbers and encourage your child to match with objects or draw.


Literacy – Read together every day

  • Talk about interesting words and what is happening in the story.
  • Talk about reading from left to right and show your child by pointing, how to trace the words.
  • Make mistakes in familiar songs and rhymes…..have fun as your child corrects you!
  • Take time to listen to your child’s ideas and opinions.

Yesterday we posted the Gruffalo. Today you can listen to the ‘Glasgow’ version read by Elaine C Smith-


Some games to try –


Talent Show

  • The children loved doing this in our ELCC. If the children enjoy dancing… karate… football… tricks… magic… jokes… singing…. have them rehearse a wee show of their own making…. make a little stage area in house and have them dress up and put on a show for the family. This is great to build their confidence and self-esteem.

Material fun

  •  …. any old bedding, curtains, old clothes. You can cut these up to give the children scraps to be creative with – collage creations, making outfits for dolls/figures, dressing up  themselves…..or making tents and dens. They will be limited only by their imagination!


Hello to all our families. Keep checking our Blog for activities and ideas to enjoy with your child.

Building literacy skills

Almost anything you do with your child will help develop their literacy.

Through conversations with you, they can learn new words and how to use them. There is a link below to show four key things that really help.

Playing and helping you with tasks in the home develops your child’s movement and coordination, which will help with their handwriting. They can make marks and draw pictures to show their ideas. You can let them “help” when you are reading or writing – such as a list or a TV programme guide.

The most important thing you can do with your child is to share and enjoy stories, songs and rhymes together.

Children love to hear the same story over and over again, it helps them learn about books. First
they will notice the pictures, then they will learn to turn the page, and before you know it they’ll
be finishing the sentences then reading along with you. Rhyming books are brilliant for that
because they can start reading along without even noticing.
  • Snuggle up and read with your child every day. Have a special place to
    keep your books.
  • Let your child act out the story. They might be moving but they are still

Here are some favourite stories to enjoy with your child. You can read them over and over, Please re-visit previous posts to repeat the activities too!



We’re going on a bear hunt…

Good morning, everyone! We hope you’re staying safe and having fun at home! You might have joined in the rainbow hunt last week… Well, this week it’s time to go on a bear hunt! If you’d like to take part, put one of your teddy bears (or you could draw one, too!) in your window for others to see – good luck spotting them all!




And here is a photo of Ashton who joined in with the Rainbow hunt – great job, Ashton!


Hello everyone

We have made it through our first week. We are thinking about all our families and we hope that you are all well and staying safe. We will be posting some more fun activities on our blog next week.

Ms Cochrane now has access to the Williamsburgh enquiries email account. Please use this if you need to get in contact.

Remember you can get updates on Twitter and facebook –

@WBurghPrimary                         Williamsburgh Primary School

Alison Vandal and all the ELCC staff team X

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