Our new name cards

In the butterfly room the children have shown an interest in their own names and the similarities between their friends names, “We have the same start name.”

To help develop this we have been using new name cards for the children to choose their lunch for that day. These cards have been giving our children more opportunities to recognise their own names and also copy/write their names.

Here are some other ideas of helping children recognise their name and also identify and match letters in their names and family members names.

You can use items such as; shaving foam, flour, rice, bubble bath and conditioner. Or if you are lucky enough to have a garden with sticks and stones you can give this a try too.

Can you think of anything else?

Have some fun experimenting.

NHS Test and Protect Williamsburgh

We can confirm Covid19 NHS Test and Protect contact tracing is today under way at Williamsburgh Early Learning and Childcare Centre.

All parents and carers with a child at the nursery and primary school have been contacted via text message with a letter from the NHS to make them aware. Please note the contact tracing relates to the nursery, not the primary school.

We have worked closely with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and nursery staff to identify all close contacts. Parents and carers of any pupil identified as a close contact are being contacted and advised the child should self-isolate for 14 days. The requirement to self-isolate only applies to the close contact themselves and not the rest of their household.

Only those pupils will be contacted – all others should attend nursery as normal.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde public health team advise there is currently no evidence of transmission within the nursery itself, that robust control measures are in place, and that the nursery remains safe to remain open as normal. Due to patient confidentiality, no further details will be released.

Appropriate advice and support with home learning is being offered to those required to self-isolate.

We all have a role to play to stop the spread of Covid19. If someone in your household develops symptoms of Covid19, please do not send your child to school. Everyone in the house should self-isolate and the person with symptoms should be tested as soon as possible. If they test positive, the whole household must quarantine for 14 days. Symptoms include a high temperature or fever, a new continuous cough or a loss of/change in sense of smell or taste.

The NHS letter sent to parents and carers at Williamsburgh ELCC can be seen here: http://orlo.uk/e5pX9

For more info on what to do if you suspect Covid19 or how to book a test, see the NHS Inform website: http://orlo.uk/xBPd6

For more on how we are protecting our schools from Covid19 please see here: http://orlo.uk/Pc2Un

See Less

October Holiday

Hi Everyone, just a reminder:

Monday 12th to Friday 16th October is a holiday for all term time children.

Monday 19th October is an in service day and all children do not attend.

Tuesday 20th October – Williamsburgh ELC reopens to all children.

Reminder – What to do if your child has COVID-19 symptoms

If your child presents at Williamsburgh Elc or calls to report any of the 3 main symptoms which could be indicative of the COVID-19 virus:

  • new, and continuous cough;
  • high temperature;
  • and loss of taste / smell.


We have been advised by our environmental health colleagues that we must strongly encourage you (parents or carers) to have your child tested. 

Your child may only return to our service if your child receives a negative test result or after 10 calendar days of self isolation.

We must also advise that, as the household must self-isolate until a negative test result is confirmed, this will impact on siblings too and they cannot attend the school or centre either. This is also the advise if a member of the household becomes ill with COVID symptoms.

We appreciate that this is a difficult time for everyone and we remind you that we are here to support in anyway we can.

If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to call.

Welcome back everyone!

We are all settling back into nursery and getting used to a new routine again. The children are doing so well, we are very proud of them all.

The children have been very busy playing and meeting new friends. Our returning children have helped and been a great support to our new children settling in.  Super stars that they all are.

Here are some of the photographs of our returning children exploring their nursery, there have been big changes made during this time and they have been amazing at adapting to these and enjoying their time being back.

Dancing in the outdoors.
Getting Creative! Drawing a beautiful rainbow.
Problem solving. Being creative with the blocks.
Making their very own motorbike. Look how creative they have been.
Made a slide using the different shaped blocks.
Very happy to be back.
Supervising the builders working on our new extension.
Painting their own masterpieces.
Is it a car? “No its a motorbike. with wheels”
Washing the dishes. “Need to make sure everything is cleaned up right.”
Drawing a picture for her mummy and daddy.
Using all the sparkles and glue.
Our busy builders.
Enjoying the weather outdoors, playing with the footballs.
Time for a chill and a story about the 3 little pigs.
Matching the cars colours.
Wheel barrow fun.
So excited to be back and playing outside.
Lots of physical play, running, climbing and jumping.
“We have made a motorbike, it has a handle too.”
Learning to balance.
Yummy dinner time in the mud kitchen.
Preparing dinner in the mood kitchen. Sharing resources.
“Can you see it yet?” Rolling the balls through the tube.
Puzzle time.
Painting in the rain. Using powder paint to make marks on the ground while outside playing in the rain.


As you can see we have been outdoors in all weathers. Can you please bare this in mind when dressing your child for nursery and ensure they are dressed appropriately for our lovely Scottish weather. Spare clothing should be replaced if used and jackets, sun cream and sunhats are required.

Thank you.

Information on our entry and exits from both playrooms

Please find attached some helpful information on our entry and exit to both playrooms. Thank you all for your patience and understanding with this system we are all learning together.

Ladybird room pick up

butterfly room pick up

Can we also please remind parents not to drop children off before their allocated start times. This is to support families in maintaining a 2 metre distance and also to ensure our staff/child ratios are maintained.

Can we please take this opportunity to say we are so pleased to have our children and families back with us, it has been lovely watching them play and be with their friends and ladies.




Meet the Team

Depute Head of Centre
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Depute Head of Centre
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Modern Apprentice
Senior Early Learning Childcare Officer
Excellence and Equity lead Early Years Graduate
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Early Learning Childcare Officer
Depute Head Teacher


Vector Cartoon Welcome, Cartoon Vector, Vector, Cartoon PNG and ...

We would like to say a huge welcome and a warm welcome back to all of our children! We are so excited to have you back and we are so happy to meet all of the new boys and girls who are starting their journey in our nursery!

We can’t wait to have lots of fun, play in our garden, create pictures, build models and so much more!

While all of the ladies missed you so very much, there have been some changes happening to our nursery. Not only our new extension is under construction, but we have separated our nursery into two rooms and our garden into two playgrounds. This is all to keep the boys and girls as well as the ladies safe! It will be a bit different for now, but we’re all making the most of it playing with all of the lovely resources and toys!

You also might have seen a few new faces around – our two new deputes have been busy welcoming all of you at the gates of the nursery! Jackie Small and Nicola Anderson have been enjoying getting to know all of the children and families!

We would also like to ask the families who drop off/pick up the children to follow the safety guidelines and our ground markers to allow for 2m distance between each other. Thank you for your co-operation in these difficult times.

The first week back has been super busy and super fun – we are all getting used to our new routine and can’t wait to continue our exciting learning! Keep your eyes peeled on the blog for the new blog posts to keep up with what we have been up to!

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