Let’s explore the North Pole!

The boys and girls in the Ladybird room have been enjoying exploring maps. Last week we looked at Google Maps where we worked together to find our nursery. We used the option of ‘street view’ to explore our nursery’s neighbourhood. Some of the children could even follow their way home from the nursery – on the virtual map, of course!

Would you like to join us in having a wee look at different things in our community? Below is the link for google maps – feel free to explore the whole planet Earth – countries, beaches, mountains… There is so much to see! And all from the comfort of your home! We bet the boys and girls can tell you exactly what different colours and symbols on the maps are?

Google Maps

Do you think you can find the way to North Pole? Can you have a peek in Santa’s garden?

Can you find your friends and family’s houses?

What about your local shops and parks – for example Barshaw Park?

Can you make your own map? What about a treasure map?

Have lots of fun and let us know where you travel on the map! 🙂

Elf on the Shelf…

Well, it’s this time of the year! The return of the Elf on the Shelf!

We know that the Elf has made himself comfortable in some of your houses… You told us stories about him eating your cereal, dangling from your ceiling or simply sitting on the fire place and watching everything!

I thought I’d share with you what my Elf has been up to! Luckily, my Elf seems to be a very friendly one… 🙂

Have you got an Elf in your home? What has he/she been up to?

Let us know in the comments below or you could share some photos on SeeSaw! We can’t wait to see them! 🙂

Book Week

Our children love to spend time within our cosy book areas and enjoy reading stories together.

This week in honour of Scottish Book Week we are enjoying ‘Squirrels who squabbled’ this is a tale of how two greedy squirrels greedy squirrels Cyril and Bruce, they both have their sights on a very special prize: THE VERY LAST NUT OF THE SEASON! As the nut bounces crazily though the forest, the squirrels race after it, between the trees, over boulders, down the river and – ARGH! – right to the edge of a waterfall! Working together might be the only way to save themselves now …

We are helping Boris and Cyril to share, this experience also helps children to develop mathematical concepts such as a sense of size, amount and even very early fractions!

Please share with us any stories you have been enjoying at home via the blog or on Seesaw 🙂


Dear parent/carer

As you will be aware, the Scottish Government has now confirmed details of the new protection level system to help stop the spread of coronavirus, and Renfrewshire has been placed in Level 3.

This brings with it some extra protection measures for our schools and nurseries. We have only this afternoon received the full guidance from the Scottish Government and are still working through the detail of it and will share this with you fully over the course of next week.

The main changes relate to the use of face coverings from Monday 2 November and I would like to ask for your support as we implement these measures.

From Monday pupils in the senior phase of secondary school (S4 to S6) should wear face coverings in all classes, this change will also apply to teaching staff. Pupils should bring their own face covering and be prepared to wear in class and when moving to and from classes. They will be asked by school staff to comply with this advice.

If for any reason they don’t have one, schools will continue to provide disposable ones.

Any pupils who cannot wear face coverings due to health issues or additional support needs are exempt and this will be supported by the school.

We would also ask that all parents or visitors entering school premises (building or playground), including drop-off or pick-up, to please wear a face covering.

As always, the safety of your children is the single biggest priority for us. We continue to follow all national guidance designed to keep our school community safe and we really appreciate your support and co-operation in helping to reduce the risk of covid-19 transmission within our schools.

I will write to you next week with more details on the enhanced Level 3 measures for Renfrewshire schools and please be reassured that any changes will be explained carefully to our pupils.

You can read more about what we already have in place to ensure our schools and nurseries are safe on our Schools Health and Safety webpage. And more on what to do if you have a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 in your household can be found on our Covid-19 Schools webpage.

Thank you again for your continued patience and understanding

Steven Quinn,

Director of Children’s Services, Renfrewshire Council

Are you missing your friends?

Whilst you are at home you just might be missing some of your nursery friends. Why not write your friend a note ?  You can tell them what you have been doing in the house and what you are missing about your friends .  This can be a good opportunity to discuss your feelings and will also be nice to hear what your friends miss about you. We will arrange for these to be displayed in our nursery room when we are back.

This can be completed in many different ways, you can allow your child to freely mark make and draw or they can talk to you as you write it for them.

Look forward to seeing your notes.

Lets Get Physical

At nursery you all enjoy  running around the garden, jumping off of the reels and climbing on the palettes ….. you have so much fun.

Exercise is so good for you, It keeps your body healthy and makes your brain smart.

Why not try some of these fun activities to keep you active today.




Singing Hands!

Remember last week when we were learning Makaton using singing hands?

You all did a great job at copying the signs and singing along!

Here is the playlist of songs that we were signing for you to practice at home, Can’t wait to see the signs you have learned when we get back to nursery.

Please post some videos of you signing these songs on to seesaw.


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