Goodbye our friends…

We have had so much fun over last few days in the nursery! The weather has been in our favour with lots of sunshine! We can’t believe we are already at the end of term – what a quick year it has been!

On Friday we had our Sport’s Day. We organised lots of different games and activities in the school’s playground. The boys and girls participated in races including Egg and Spoon race, Hurdle race, Javelin and flat race as well as parachute games! Everybody enjoyed our games and everybody gave 100%! Fantastic job, boys and girls!

M: “I liked the Spoon and Egg race, you need to balance the egg!”
J: “I won, I won!”
R: “I loved the Javelin, mine went very far!”
O: “I liked the parachute.”
E: “My heart is beating fast after the races.”

On Monday we had our Garden Party – we were so lucky to be able to enjoy our party outside as the weather was fantastic! We played lots of fun games like Corners, Musical Statues and Pass the Parcel. And of course – we had lots of dancing too! Of course, no party would be the same without yummy party food, which we loved! For our very special treat we were visited by the ice cream van and all of the boys and girls enjoyed an ice cream cone. What a fabulous day!

M: “I liked the ice-cream the most.”
L: “I won the Corners!”
N: “I can do the floss!”
T: “It’s so hot outside!”
A: “Is the ice cream van coming?!”

We would like to wish you all a happy, fun and safe holiday. Good luck to all of the boys and girls who are going to school and we will see some of you next year!

Community Police visit

This morning, the boys and girls had special visitors at nursery! We welcomed three community police officers from the Renfrewshire area. PC Alan, PC Andy and PC David Edington, one of our nursery friend’s dad. We all chatted about how important the police officers’ job is to make sure we are all safe. They reminded us that the police is there to help us and to make sure the envinronment is secure and protected for everybody! The policemen very kindly let us try their police vests on and we could even put hand cuffs on one of our nursery ladies! We discussed different forms of transport that the police officers use, for example cars, motorbikes and horses! We were all very excited when we found out that there are two police cars in the school’s playground for us to go and see! The very kind police officers let us put the blue lights and the siren on! What an exciting day!

M: “Police are out there to help us, I see them in Paisley sometimes.”
G: “The siren is so loud!”
G: “The siren is there so you know the police car is coming!”
J: “I liked sitting in the police car the best.”
A: “I want to see the hand cuffs!”
R: “This vest is so heavy!”

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Community Police Officers for visiting us and letting the boys and girls have a try of all their important equipment! Thank you and we hope to see you next year!

Graduation 2018!

Today the boys and girls who are going to school in August celebrated their Graduation! We were very excited to present our songs and dance routine to our parents, grandparents and everybody who came to watch us! The boys and girls were fantastic! They sang their favourite songs including “Alice the Camel”, “Incey Wincey Spider” and “Little Green Frog”. After giving everyone an amazing performance of our nursery songs, we showed off our dance moves! Finally, every graduating child was invited onto the stage to collect their folder and a new school bag, wow! What a great day it has been!

We would like to thank everybody for coming over to see the boys’ and girls’ graduation.

Well done to all of the children who are moving onto school after Summer – you have been fantastic and we will miss you dearly!

G: “I like Alice the Camel the most!”
M: “My mummy and daddy are coming to see me sing and dance!”
K: “Are we going to be on the stage?”
C: “I can’t wait to get my folder!”

Coats Observatory visit

Following from one of the children’s news about Pink Moon a few weekends ago, the boys and girls have been very excited to explore planets and Space! We have been looking at books to find out interesting facts about our Sun, the Moon and different planets in the Solar System. The boys and girls have enjoyed making their own planets and moons using our arts and crafts resources too! As the extenstion of the Solar System topic, we decided to look into our local community and visit the Coats Observatory – what a fantastic idea! We got ready remembering the yellow high vis vests for safety and off we went! In the Observatory we met Matthew, who gave us a superb tour of the building and explained the Solar System and planets. At the end of the tour, we had a chance to see a huge Telescope, which has been there since the Observatory opened in 1883 – that’s a very long time! Unfortunately, we couldn’t see anything through the telescope as it was daytime, but we all had a chance to climb on the stairs and pretend to look through it.

E: “Earth is our planet.”
A: “Saturn has got rings around it.”
A: “You can see the stars through a telescope.”
L: “Sun is a big ball of fire, it’s very hot.”
C: “I had so much fun, it was a fantastic day!”

We would like to thank the Coats Observatory and Matthew for such a welcoming and informative tour!

If you would like to access anymore infortmation about the Coats Observatory and possible viewings/group meetings, please click on the picture below:

Welcome to our outdoor literacy corner!

We have been working really hard to develop our outdoor literacy corner. Thanks to one of our parents, we now have a designated area where we can take forward our language and literacy skills. The boys and girls enjoy sitting outside and reading their favourite stories and discussing the characters with their friends. The children came up with a fantastic idea to “make a roof” as it was too bright to read the books – so we did! We used our big leaves and camouflage material as a canopy. What a cosy literacy corner it has become! The boys and girls are continuing to spend time on coming up with new ideas to further develop the area. What a great job!

M: “We need a roof, it’s too sunny!”
K: “I love reading here.”
R: “It’s fun being outside!”
L: “Can we bring out more books?”

The boys and girls have been using the literacy area to develop their writing and mark making skills – some of the children have brought out the threading letters as well as paper and pencils to draw and write.

G: “I’m going to write a letter and post it.”
C: “Can you read me a story?”
O: “This is my letter.”

“I can’t wait to go to school!”

The boys and girls have created their own classroom in our nursery – we’ve got a desk, writing jotters, pens and pencils and the most important… school uniforms! All of the children have been very excited to have their turn of wearing the complete uniform, including a blazer and a tie – oh how smart everybody looks! Having our own classroom has struck up a lot of conversations about going to school and what the boys and girls would like to learn about after summer…

N: “I’m not going to school yet, I’m coming back here.”
M: “When I go to school, I’ll have my own uniform and at summer time I’ll wear a lovely dress.”
G: “We’re going to just have one teacher at school and she’ll teach us new things.”
R: “I’m going to the same school as my sister!”
A: “I want to learn about Space like the big boys and girls!”

The children who are going to school after the summer have had lots of opportunities to visit their schools and get to know their teachers and new friends. We have visited P6s as well as P1s to see their learning as well as the gym hall and the library. We are so excited for after the summer when we can call the school our own!


Let’s get physical!

We have been loving this weather lately! After spending a lot of time in our outdoor area and making the most of our equipement, we decided to go to the park to make the most of the sunshine! On the way to the park, we were chatting about our health, what to do to keep our bodies strong. We were wondering if our heartbeat changes after doing excercises… So we wanted to find out! In the park, we decided to walk around the pond first, to warm up our muscles before working out. We then were so lucky to climb on the new climbing frames and a climbing wall, balance on the balancing beam and push our legs out really hard on the see-saw! On the way back from the park, the boys and girls had a lot of interesting things to say….

L: “I’m fit now because I’ve been running!”
G: “Our hearts beat fast after doing excercises!”
R: “Sure fruit is healthy for you too!”
R: “We need to have a lot of energy, let’s get snack!”
E: “It’s nice we went to the park!”
C: “I’m pushing myself now!”
A: “Excercising outside makes you healthy too!”

Royal Wedding Garden Party

Congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan! In celebration of their beautiful wedding, we had our own Royal Wedding Garden Party! Everybody arrived looking very dashing in their costumes, beautiful dresses and frocks. The whole day evolved around having lots of fun – starting with games like Royal Corners, When’s the Wedding Mr Wolf and a special royal version of Duck, Duck, Goose – Prince, Prince, King! There was a lot of dancing, jumping around and showing off the best moves! No Garden Party would be Royal without having a special snack – the children tasted very delicious and healthy fruit kebabs, wraps and a sponge cake as a treat! We had so much fun, we couldn’t wait to go back outside again and dance some more! Our super fun Royal Wedding Garden Party finished off with a cheery selfie, just as every wedding should 🙂

A: “My favourite was Pass the Parcel!”
C: “I liked playing all the games!”
M: “I really liked the food, especially the cake.”
A: “I liked the cake!”
L: “My dress is so long I need to hold it when I go up the stairs.”
E: “I’m a real princess, look at my dress!”
J: “I’m just wearing a shirt because it’s a party.”

Information about nursery and school applications

Please click on the picture below to view our nursery application form. You will also be able to print it off after opening the link. Please remember to register your child at the nursery as soon as they turn 2.

If you require any information about a deferred year at nursery, please click on the picture below. If you have any more questions, you are welcome to speak to one of our members of staff.

P6’s visit to the nursery

On Thursday we were very lucky to have a lovely visit from P6 pupils. The school boys and girls came over to interact with their nursery friends and to help them learn about their school. The nursery children were very excited to have their older friends over at the nursery and were showing them around their favourite areas. The school pupils and nursery children played together building and constructing with big blocks, writing letters and reading stories. The school pupils were very excited to help their younger friends make play-dough, which involved a lot of counting and measuring. We loved having our school friends over for a visit at the nursery. Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you again soon!

J: “I used to be in this nursery.”
J: “It’s so much different than it was when I used to come here!”

M: “When I’m big I’m going to go to school.”
A: “Are they going to help us measure flour out?”
G: “H and I built a den together!”
R: “It was nice to play with the school children.”

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