This week we shall be revising our phonics sounds, tricky words, coins and their value. Our school is closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday children have the opportunity to dress as their favourite book character for World Book Day.
Homework week beginning 20/2/23
This week the phonics sound we are learning is ‘or’. Click on the following link to practice this sound and action:
The Tricky word we are learning this week is ‘there’. Can you think of a sentence containing this word? Click on the following link to practice this word and action:
We are continuing to practice our recognition of coins, their value, sequencing these in order of value (from least to most, and most to least), and adding these. Please practice this with coins at home using coins up until £2, and by clicking on the following links:
British money (
Open afternoon 21/2/23
We are looking forward to seeing family members at our Open afternoon on the 21st February at 1.30pm to showcase our Scottish learning. Please can families return the tear off slips on the above letter issued to children ASAP. Many thanks!
Self-portrait evaluations
P1 pupils have self-evaluated their portraits from Term 2, reflected on their next steps and used this information to improve their portraits for Term 3. Well done, what progress!
Sibling visit to our ELCC
Children had a wonderful time visiting their sibling last week as you see from these pictures!
Homework week beginning 6/2/23
This week we are learning the phonics sound ‘ee‘. Click on the following link to revise this sound and action:
The Tricky word we are learning this week is ‘here‘. Can you think of a sentence containing this word? Click on the following link to practice this word and action:
We continue to practice matching coins to their value. This can be practiced in the following games: