The Parent Council meet on the first Tuesday of every month in the staffroom of the school from 6pm. All parents and carers are welcome to attend any meeting. The Parent Council supports all classes of the school, including the nursery. Nursery parents are very welcome to attend meeting or join the Parent Council. The Parent Council has a notice board in the main entrance of the school.
By law schools have a duty to promote parents’ involvement in children’s education. Parents are welcomed to be:
- receive information about the school and its activities;
- hear about what partnership with parents means in our school;
- be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you;
- identify issues you want the parent council, to work on with the school;
- be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides;
- work in partnership with staff; and
- enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way possible.
The type of things the parent council may get involved in include:
- supporting the work of the school;
- gathering and representing parents’ views to the Headteacher, education authority and Education Scotland;
- promoting contact between the school, parents, pupils, and the local community;
- fundraising;
- organising events;
- reporting to the parent forum; and
- being involved in the appointment of senior promoted staff
Current Parent Council bearers are:
Chairperson – Caroline Sturgeon
Vice Chairperson – Valerie Wright
Secretary – Emily Jackson
Treasurer – Karen Moore
Vice Treasurer – Caroline Sturgeon
To contact the Parent Council, you can email them on:
Please follow the Parent Council on Facebook for updates @Williamsburghparentscouncil