Parent/Carer Questionnaire

We want to hear your views and experiences of out of school care. The survey also asks about nursery and childminding experiences for children under 5. Your views will help us shape how we provide our future services. The survey is anonymous and will take five to ten minutes to complete. Your answers will be treated confidentially.

Please fill in the early learning and childcare survey – survey is open from Wednesday 25 August until Wednesday 15 September.



At this time of year all schools like to evaluate with parents and carers their achievements so that they can grow and improve for the next session. This is especially challenging whilst schools are closed with our classrooms and learning online.

Therefore, could I ask that if you are a parent/carer of a child at St. Fillan’s Primary School, that you take five minutes to complete our online questionnaire using the link below.

The link will be available until Sunday 31st May. Your feedback and responses are vital to us and will be used as part of our school improvement planning for the next session.