Renfrewshire Gaelic Resource

Renfrewshire Gaelic Resource

This website has been developed to support learners, teachers and anybody else wishing to learn some Gaelic.

Visit: Renfrewshire Gaelic Resource



NYCOS has written, developed and published a series of resources for both specialist and non-specialist teachers and choir leaders.

Visit: NYCOS Resources & Publications

Hear My Music

Hear My Music

This link provides general resources to support learning in schools.

Visit: Hear My Music YouTube

Thigibh is Cluichibh (Tin Whistle Resource)

Thigibh is cluichibh (Tin Whistle Resource)

‘Thigibh is cluichibh’ is a series of videos aimed to help pupils practise a range of tunes and songs from the Stòras na Fìdeig resource pack. The videos will aid practise between music sessions in class / with a tutor and allow pupils to play along no matter what stage they are at. 

Visit: Thigibh is cluichibh (YouTube)