The Whales and Dolphins were Raft Building this afternoon. They worked very well in their teams and both raft so made it out without sinking! They finished off the afternoon by running and dunking into the water.
Monthly Archives: May 2019
Sharks and Stingrays – Kayaking
The Sharks and Stingrays were Kayaking this afternoon. They travelled far out onto the Loch and hadn’t lots of fun. Some children managed to capsize and ended up a tad wet!
Sharks and Stingrays – Nature Walk
The Sharks and Stingrays went on a Nature Walk this morning. The back drop was absolutely beautiful and the children really enjoyed themselves. They even took part in some foraging!
Whales and Dolphins – Mountain Biking
The Whales and Dolphins had a fantastic morning for Mountain Biking! All of the children were fantastic and put in a great effort. Some children were worried before and weren’t very confident, but absolutely loved it and should be proud of themselves! After lunch today we have raft building.
Day 1
We’ve had a great first day in the sunshine! All of the children have done themselves proud with their efforts in our activities.
Every day, we will ‘interview’ a group and they will share what they enjoyed most about the day. Looks out for your child’s group! We will read through the previous day’s comments during our supper times in the evenings, as the children are off to bed.
Tomorrow the children will be going on a nature walk, mountain biking, raft building, kayaking and orienteering.
We are working with very slow wi-if, so are trying our best to upload as often as possible, please be patient with us. We appreciate the photos can be difficult to view on phones, we will post a selection of them on SeeSaw on our return.
We hope you have enjoyed our first day’s updates!
Stingray Interviews
Today I liked raft building because we got to tie lots of different knots and put lots of stuff together. We got to take the raft out on the water and had a race and it worked! At night we did archery and I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed raft building today. It was fun because we got to work as a team and it worked. Ritchie our instructor shook the raft and it still stayed together.
Today we got to do raft building. I enjoyed it because Lucy was really helpful and kind as she helped tie the knots. It was fun in the water.
I enjoyed it when we went out on the water on the rafts and got to do head shoulders knees and toes. I also liked it when we got to do archery and try and hit all the different colours on the target to make a cake.
I enjoyed raft building. I enjoyed tying all the knots but at the end my back was really sore. It was worth it because our raft was really strong and we got to sail on the water.
Callum M
I liked raft building because of the team work and effort that we put in. It was funny when I feel into the water face first!
I found the archery fun because I have always liked it and it is fun. I also enjoyed the raft building because it good fun because we had to work as a team. Playing heads shoulder knees and toes was fun on the raft.
I really enjoyed the raft building because we all had to put in team work and the end result was amazing. We then had a race and the sharks won!
I enjoyed the raft building and we all had a good laugh. I enjoyed archery although I wasn’t very good at the beginning. I’ve enjoyed spending time with all my classmates.
I enjoyed raft building because I learned how to tie different knots. I was surprised that we manage to make it float. We had a race, sadly we lost but it was fun in the end.
Sharks and Stingrays – Archery
The Sharks and Stingrays took part in Archery tonight. All of the children made an amazing attempt at hitting the target. We even had lots of bullseyes!
Whales and Dolphins – Paddle Boarding
The Whales and Dolphins had a beautiful backdrop for Paddle Boarding this evening! All the children gave it a go, even through fear, and should be really proud of themselves. They even got to finish off by jumping in the pier!
Whales and Dolphins – Problem Solving
The Whales and Dolphins started the day off with Problem Solving. Both teams were fantastic and worked very well together to solve puzzles and complete games! After dinner both groups will be doing Paddle Boarding
Sharks and Stingrays – Raft Building
The Sharks and Stingrays started the day off with Raft Building. Both teams works amazingly well together and managed to make it out onto the Loch without sinking! After dinner both groups will be doing Archery.